
France-India relations

The France-India Dalliance: Operationalizing Strategic Autonomy in the Indian Ocean

The France-India Dalliance: Operationalizing Strategic Autonomy in the Indian Ocean

By Olivier Blarel and Nicolas Blarel
France and India have the tools and legitimacy to become the main drivers of a novel cooperative and inclusive security architecture in the Indian Ocean.

France in the Indo-Pacific: French, Indian Defense Ministers Meet for 3rd Annual Dialogue

France in the Indo-Pacific: French, Indian Defense Ministers Meet for 3rd Annual Dialogue

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
France has continued to remain one of India’s trusted strategic partners, with cooperation extending across many issues.
India-France Naval Exercise: Growing Strategic Synergy

India-France Naval Exercise: Growing Strategic Synergy

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
France has emerged as one of India’s closest strategic partners and the relationship is likely to bloom further in the coming years. 

The Significance of the Recent France-India Maritime Dialogue

The Significance of the Recent France-India Maritime Dialogue

By Rupakjyoti Borah
France and India have shared maritime interests in the Indo-Pacific.

Macron to Set Tone for an EU Balancing Act Between India and China on Belt and Road

Macron to Set Tone for an EU Balancing Act Between India and China on Belt and Road

By Aman Thakker
Will Macron speak for the EU as he balances between India and China?

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

India’s Air Force Interested in 36 More Rafale Fighter Jets From France

India’s Air Force Interested in 36 More Rafale Fighter Jets From France

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Indian Air Force is strongly lobbying for additional Dassault Rafale fighter jets.

India-France Fighter Jet Deal May Be Inked This Week

India-France Fighter Jet Deal May Be Inked This Week

By Franz-Stefan Gady
After a 16 month delay, a contract for the purchase of 36 French fighter jets could be signed within a week.
India-France Fighter Jet Deal Faces Further Delays

India-France Fighter Jet Deal Faces Further Delays

By Franz-Stefan Gady
France purportedly is insisting that India sign the final contract before the two sides conclude a 50 percent offset deal.

Indian and French Defense Ministers to Meet in Singapore to Discuss Rafale Deal

Indian and French Defense Ministers to Meet in Singapore to Discuss Rafale Deal

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The pending Rafale deal has been delayed for months. Will the defense ministers be able to break the deadlock?

India to Pay $9 Billion for 36 French Fighter Jets

India to Pay $9 Billion for 36 French Fighter Jets

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The signing of a contract is imminent, according to Indian government sources.

French Aircraft Maker Expects $9 Billion Rafale Deal to Be Signed Within a Month

French Aircraft Maker Expects $9 Billion Rafale Deal to Be Signed Within a Month

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Dassault Aviation says that it is quickly “moving towards a Rafale contract with India.”
India to Consider French Fighter Jets for Navy’s Newest Aircraft Carrier

India to Consider French Fighter Jets for Navy’s Newest Aircraft Carrier

By Franz-Stefan Gady
France's Dassault Aviation will brief Indian Navy officials on the naval version of the Rafale aircraft this week.

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