Freedom of expression
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Silencing Dissenters in India: Can the Media Fight Back?
By Priyanka Borpujari
Can the Indian media take on those who'd see dissenters -- like Gauri Lankesh -- silenced?

In India, Raids Targeting a Prominent News Agency Spark Censorship Fears
By Padmapriya Govindarajan
Was a raid on NDTV's offices earlier this month politically motivated?

Sex and Sensibility: India's Censor Board and Overreach
By Padmapriya Govindarajan
Indian censorship of film continues apace.

Bela Bhatia's Story Highlights Ongoing Problems in India's Chhattisgarh
By Padmapriya Govindarajan
An Indian researcher is accosted by a mob in Chhattisgarh, highlighting ongoing rights challenges.

Remember Andijan and Bekzhanov: Islam Karimov and the Tragedy of Uzbekistan
By Anna Neistat
Anna Neistat, who visited Uzbekistan in the aftermath of the 2005 Andijan massacre, reflects on Islam Karimov's death.

Ending Torture of Prisoners of Conscience in Vietnam
By John Coughlan
So much more needs to be done if ending torture in Vietnam is ever likely to become a reality.

Securing Cyberspace: China Leading the Way in Cyber Sovereignty
By Paul R. Burgman, Jr.
The recent leaks of China’s elites’ personal information will harden Beijing’s stance on cyber sovereignty.

Zeenat Shahzadi's Story: A Young Reporter, 'Disappeared' in Pakistan
By Ankit Panda
In a first, a female journalist in Pakistan has been "disappeared," allegedly by Pakistani intelligence.

Why is TeliaSonera Leaving the Eurasian Telecom Market?
By Catherine Putz
Business in Eurasia proved to be neither easy nor clean.

Why Are Secular Bloggers Being Killed in Bangladesh?
By Vishal Manve
In Bangladesh, merely blogging about secular ideas if proving to be deadly.

Exile From Extremism in Bangladesh: A Conversation with Ananya Azad
By Sanjay Kumar
The Diplomat's Sanjay Kumar speaks with Ananya Azad about freedom of expression in Bangladesh.
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