Freedom of navigation operations South China Sea

Xi, the South China Sea, and Mar-a-Lago
By Donald K. Emmerson
If the South China Sea issue is relegated to the sidelines, it will send the wrong signal to China.

Latest US FONOP in the South China Sea: Tilting at Windmills?
By Mark J. Valencia
The most recent Freedom of Navigation Operation seems unnecessarily provocative.

After the South China Sea Ruling, Time for More FONOPs
By Joseph Bosco
Whether China cooperates or not, the ruling lets the United States correct earlier mistakes in ensuring navigational freedoms.

How Australia Should Approach the South China Sea
By John McCarthy
Canberra should think about what its own interests are and secure them carefully.

China Rejects Latest US FONOP in the South China Sea
By Shannon Tiezzi
The second U.S. FONOP had a different legal rationale than the first -- and sparked a different Chinese response.

US South China Sea FONOPs to Increase in Scope, Complexity: Commander
By Prashanth Parameswaran
PACOM commander Harry Harris reveals what the future outlook might be for US FONOPs.

Did Australia Secretly Conduct Its Own Freedom of Navigation Operation in the South China Sea?
By Shannon Tiezzi
An accidental scoop by a BBC reporter suggests so.

The Myth of a ‘Strategic Imbalance’ in the South China Sea
By Greg Austin
As Australia focuses on China's perceived advantages in the SCS, it's worth taking a closer look at that narrative.

The Hypocrisy of US Freedom of Navigation Operations in the South China Sea
By Hu Bo
The U.S. says it is defending freedom of navigation; really it just wants to limit China's power in the South China Sea.

The US and China: Actions and Reactions
By David Volodzko
Both countries are guilt of contradictory actions -- and of being deliberately provocative.

China's Big Plans for Big Data
By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, China's statistical tricks, the Ma-Xi meeting, and what China's destroyer said to the USS Lassen. China links.

US Astrategic Ambiguity in the South China Sea?
By Sean P. Henseler
With its recent FONOP, Washington has only muddied the waters.
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