Gulnara Karimova

Uzbek Authorities Say Gulnara in Custody, Facing Additional Charges
By Catherine Putz
The statement by Uzbek authorities is a few years late but another sign of progress.

Reform or Regime Consolidation? Azimov Dismissed From Deputy Prime Minister Post
By Catherine Putz
Rustam Azimov, once floated as a possible successor to Islam Karimov, seems to have been sidelined for good.

Western Fingerprints on Uzbek Crime Racket
By Kristian Lasslett
Tashkent wants nearly $1 billion in frozen assets back, but the state is complicit in the original corruption.

WSJ Scoop Shines Light on Fate of Karimova’s Daughter
By Casey Michel
A recent article included a morsel of information about Gulnara’s teenage daughter.

What’s the Mish-Mish on Gulnara Karimova?
By Catherine Putz
An anonymous source says she's dead, another anonymous source says she's alive.

A Post-Karimov Uzbekistan
By Cholpon Orozobekova
What does the future hold without the only leader Uzbekistan has ever known?

US Postpones Seizing Gulnara Karimova's Assets
By Casey Michel
The stay--which lasts until October 31--aims to give Washington and Tashkent more time to negotiate.

The Gulnara Corruption Saga: Dutch Seek 300 Million Euros in Assets
By Catherine Putz
Dutch prosecutors are seeking to seize more than 300 million euros worth of assets linked to Gulnara Karimova.

Karimova’s Irish Connection
By Casey Michel
If high-level talks fail, the US is poised to seize $114 million held in Irish bank accounts.

Corruption, Politics, and Power in Uzbekistan
By Catherine Putz
Not only does rampant corruption undermine international investment in the country but its political nature feeds instability.

US Wants Gulnara to Give Back $550 Million in Corruption Proceeds
By Casey Michel
“Government Official A” named in massive corruption case is no longer anonymous.

Central Asia’s Presidents-for-Life
By Cholpon Orozobekova
Don’t hold your breath waiting for democratic transitions in Central Asia.