Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov

Turkmenistan President’s Son Appointed Minister
By Catherine Putz
Given Serdar’s trajectory, it’s hard not to believe he’s heading for the presidency once day.

Will Turkmenistan Ever Supply Gas to Europe?
By T.J. Sjostrom
In theory, Turkmenistan could be a complementary trade partner for Europe’s energy security needs. But what about in practice?

Turkmenistan: More Cuts and Bad Business
By Catherine Putz
Ashgabat is still trying to cut expenses wherever it can, and even foreign companies are feeling the pinch.

Shrinking Budgets and Less Booze in Turkmenistan, the Home of Prosperity
By Catherine Putz
Turkmenistan's economic perils could drive a person to drink, but that's more difficult with a new law restricting alcohol sales.

Turkmenistan Banned Black Cars. So What?
By Catherine Putz
The key is to look past the absurdity and pay attention to the impact.

Bread and Circuses in Ashgabat
By Rebeka Foley
Can a multi-billion dollar sporting event prove Turkmenistan’s modernity despite the country’s reputation for corruption?

Are Trade Fairs in Turkmenistan Pointless?
By Henry James
Such fairs do provide insight into the psychology of dictatorship.

A Closer Look at Turkmenistan’s Election Numbers
By Casey Michel
The only numbers soaring in Turkmenistan are at the polls; meanwhile the economy deteriorates.

Turkmenistan, Apparently, Had an Election
By Catherine Putz
Berdy won, obviously.

Turkmen Government Says TAPI Survey Work Complete
By Casey Michel
Seems like more action for action’s sake; the big challenges remain.

Central Asia and the Succession Question
By Casey Michel
What will happen in the region when the current crop of leaders leave the stage?

Eurasia’s Potemkin Democracies
By Jos Boonstra
Central Asia remains difficult terrain for democracy, and prospects seem bleaker than ever.
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