Hafez Saeed

The Mullah-Military Takeover of Pakistan
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
A Musharraf-Saeed alliance could provide the political face of the mullah-military takeover underway in Pakistan.

What Is Behind the Political ‘Mainstreaming’ of Jamaat-ud-Dawa in Pakistan?
By Umair Jamal
Offering political platforms to groups with jihadist agendas will only complicate Pakistan’s militant problem.

Pakistan’s Jamaat-ud-Dawa: The Conundrum in Action
By Umair Jamal
What's behind the house arrest of Hafiz Saeed, the head of Jamaat-ud-Dawa?

From Kabul to Gurdaspur: Pakistan’s Reliance on Sub-conventional Warfare
By Rohan Joshi
Developments this summer highlight Pakistan's continued reliance of sub-conventional warfare.

Narendra Modi's Grand Plan for Kashmir
By Jhinuk Chowdhury
Contrary to former BJP Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's approach, Modi has his own plans for Kashmir.
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