

Okinawa Is the Key to Japan’s Defense – Even If Okinawans Don’t Like It

Okinawa Is the Key to Japan’s Defense – Even If Okinawans Don’t Like It

By Hans Horan
The Indo-Pacific’s increasingly unstable security environment will ensure that Okinawa remains at the center of Japan’s defense strategy. 
Okinawa Marks 50 Years of End to US Rule Amid Protests

Okinawa Marks 50 Years of End to US Rule Amid Protests

By Mari Yamaguchi
Fifty years after Okinawa was returned to Japan’s control, locals continue to decry the outsized burden the island group carries in the Japan-U.S. security alliance.

Okinawa and Japanese Government Locked In Hostile Battle Over US Base Relocation

Okinawa and Japanese Government Locked In Hostile Battle Over US Base Relocation

By Thisanka Siripala
The prolonged showdown intensified as the contentious landfill construction hit a design plan snag.

Okinawa Governor Asks Tokyo, US to Rethink Base Relocation Plan

Okinawa Governor Asks Tokyo, US to Rethink Base Relocation Plan

By Daniel Hurst
Denny Tamaki met with Prime Minister Abe and the U.S. embassy after a recent referendum rejecting a new U.S. base.

Okinawa’s Base Referendum and the Rocky Way Forward

Okinawa’s Base Referendum and the Rocky Way Forward

By Temo Dias and Hina Murayama
A controversial new U.S. base faces a double blow: a referendum defeat and an uphill construction battle.
Okinawa’s New Governor Faces First Test: Renewed US Military Base Construction

Okinawa’s New Governor Faces First Test: Renewed US Military Base Construction

By Thisanka Siripala
Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki’s honeymoon period ended abruptly as the central government restarted work on a new U.S. base.

Okinawa Governor’s Death Marks the End of an Era for Anti-US Base Movement

Okinawa Governor’s Death Marks the End of an Era for Anti-US Base Movement

By Aki Nakai
With the death of Governor Onaga, will a new political consensus emerge on the Futenma relocation question?
Futenma: ‘The Most Dangerous Base in the World’

Futenma: ‘The Most Dangerous Base in the World’

By C. Douglas Lummis
It's time to shut down the Futenma air base in Okinawa, before the unthinkable happens.

Freedom of Expression Under Siege in Okinawa

Freedom of Expression Under Siege in Okinawa

By Taisuke Komatsu
The Abe government has been particularly harsh on cracking down on dissent in Okinawa.

Tokyo, Okinawa Avoid Court Battle Over Futenma Base Issue

Tokyo, Okinawa Avoid Court Battle Over Futenma Base Issue

By Mina Pollmann
In the latest twist in the Futenma relocation saga, Tokyo and Okinawa have shelved their court cases.

In Okinawa, a Phantom Victory for the Abe Administration

In Okinawa, a Phantom Victory for the Abe Administration

By Yuki Tatsumi
The recent mayoral election in Okinawa is a step forward for Tokyo, but challenges still remain on the Futenma issue.
Supporters of Okinawa Base Relocation Plan Claim a Win in Local Elections

Supporters of Okinawa Base Relocation Plan Claim a Win in Local Elections

By Mina Pollmann
Tokyo's favored candidate won reelection as Ginowan's mayor, providing a boost for the relocation of a U.S. base.

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