Huawei 5G ban

China’s Digital Silk Road and Malaysia’s Technological Neutrality
By Ilaria Carrozza and Giacomo Bruni
Like other nations in Asia and Africa, Malaysia has shown considerable agency in navigating the tech war between the United States and China.

How the EU’s Security Approach Affects China-Europe Relations
By Dingding Chen and Yingfan Chen
Whether in Germany or the EU as a whole, expanded concepts of security are threatening economic exchanges with China.

China’s Huawei Looks to Ports, Factories to Rebuild Sales
By Joe McDonald
Huawei is reinventing itself as a supplier of self-driving cars and automated industrial tech after U.S. sanctions crushed its smartphone brand.

Should Brazil Ban Huawei?
By Joseph Bouchard
The case for banning the Chinese telecoms firm is compelling, but such a move would carry a steep cost.

Where Is China-US Technology Competition Going?
By Dingding Chen and Wang Lei
The case of Huawei shows the extent -- and limits -- of U.S. attempts to curtail China's technology industry.

The Future of US-India Digital Relations
By Justin Sherman
Beneath the surface, the Trump and Modi administrations had more tensions than common ground on digital issues.

China’s Digital Silk Road Initiative: A Boon for Developing Countries or a Danger to Freedom?
By Joshua Kurlantzick
Some observers worry that it will equip authoritarian governments with next-generation surveillance technologies.

Sweden Becomes Latest – and Among Most Forceful – to Ban Huawei From 5G
By Shannon Tiezzi
In its decision, Sweden minced no words about either the ban or the threat posed by China.

Don’t Underestimate India’s Sidelining of Huawei
By Justin Sherman
New Delhi didn’t “ban” Huawei at the behest of Washington. It sidelined the Chinese company for its own complex array of reasons.

Will Poland Be an Anti-Huawei Force in the EU?
By Paulina Uznanska
Mike Pompeo certainly hopes so. The incentives for Poland are less clear.

How Europe’s Big 3 Are Shifting on China
By Philippe Le Corre and John Ferguson
As the U.K. leads and France follows, the world now awaits a verdict from Germany on Huawei, Hong Kong, and more.

A Very British Dodge on Huawei
By Michito Tsuruoka
How London has tried to evade US pressure on China
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