
human rights in Vietnam

Trinh Xuan Thanh: Corrupt Tycoon or Liberal Reformist?

Trinh Xuan Thanh: Corrupt Tycoon or Liberal Reformist?

By Bennett Murray
As Germany increases pressure over the alleged kidnapping of Thanh, his plight has raised little sympathy back home.
Ending Torture of Prisoners of Conscience in Vietnam

Ending Torture of Prisoners of Conscience in Vietnam

By John Coughlan
So much more needs to be done if ending torture in Vietnam is ever likely to become a reality.

Obama in Vietnam, Modi in Iran: Geopolitical Consequences

Obama in Vietnam, Modi in Iran: Geopolitical Consequences

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
The Diplomat‘s Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran discuss two recent bilateral summits of note in the Asia-Pacific.

Will Vietnam Legalize Prostitution?

Will Vietnam Legalize Prostitution?

By Dien Luong
Vietnam debates the issue — unthinkable a decade ago in a country dominated by Confucianism.

8 Developments in US-Vietnam Relations Show Emerging Partnership

8 Developments in US-Vietnam Relations Show Emerging Partnership

By Carl Thayer
US-Vietnam relations are neither an alliance nor a strategic partnership yet.
It's Time for the Obama Administration to Get Tough on Human Rights in Vietnam

It's Time for the Obama Administration to Get Tough on Human Rights in Vietnam

By John Sifton
Nguyen Dang Minh Man's story reminds us that Vietnam's record on human rights remains deeply troubling.

How International Human Rights Day Is Celebrated in Vietnam

How International Human Rights Day Is Celebrated in Vietnam

By Brad Adams
The government of Vietnam appears to have adopted an alarming new tactic against human rights activists.
Fixing the United States' Human Rights Misstep With Vietnam

Fixing the United States' Human Rights Misstep With Vietnam

By John Sifton
By selling weapons to Vietnam, the United States is selling out activists.

Vietnamese Activists Get Three Years in Prison for ‘Obstructing Traffic’

By Mong Palatino
The country comes in for international criticism after cracking down on activists and their supporters.

Trans-Pacific Partnership Must Safeguard Human Rights

Trans-Pacific Partnership Must Safeguard Human Rights

By Jared Genser
Any agreement on the TPP should make human rights a priority.

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