HYSY 981

South China Sea: Why Did China's State Councilor Visit Vietnam?
By Ankit Panda
Why did China send Yang Jiechi to Vietnam on Monday?

Vietnam to China: Move Your Oil Rig out of the South China Sea
By Shannon Tiezzi
China's HYSY 981 is once again operating near the Gulf of Tonkin, to Vietnam's dismay.

1 Year Later: Reflections on China's Oil Rig 'Sovereignty-Making' in the South China Sea
By Ankit Panda
What is the long-term significance of China's decision to move an oil rig into Vietnam's exclusive economic zone in May 2014?

China Discovers Gas Field in the South China Sea
By Shannon Tiezzi
The discovery will provide further impetus for China's deepwater drilling operations in the South China Sea.

Vietnam, China and the Oil Rig Crisis: Who Blinked?
By Carl Thayer
Did Vietnam buckle under Chinese pressure or did China blink?

No, China Did Not Blink by Removing Its Oil Rig
By Dingding Chen
Like the decision to install the oil rig, the removal is also part of long-term strategic plan. It will come back.

After HYSY-981: A US-Vietnam Alliance?
By Ankit Panda
A U.S.-Vietnam alliance might be closer to reality now more than ever.

4 Reasons China Removed Oil Rig HYSY-981 Sooner Than Planned
By Carl Thayer
The reasons China withdrew oil rig HYSY-981 sooner than planned are complex but revealing about its intentions.

China Moves Second Oil Rig Into Vietnam's Exclusive Economic Zone
By Ankit Panda
China's Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) announced that a second oil rig will set up off Vietnam's coast.
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