
India-Afghanistan relations

India’s Turn Toward Its Extended Neighborhood

India’s Turn Toward Its Extended Neighborhood

By Anuraag Khaund
In the face of an increasingly hostile and constrained near neighborhood, New Delhi has focused on deepening relations with a wider array of countries.
Modi’s Re-election: A Chance to Revitalize Afghanistan-India Relations

Modi’s Re-election: A Chance to Revitalize Afghanistan-India Relations

By Sadiq Amini
These days, Afghan democrats need a champion, and India, under Modi’s leadership, could be that champion – if New Delhi can correct course on its Afghanistan policy.

Afghan Embassy in New Delhi Says It Is Permanently Closing

Afghan Embassy in New Delhi Says It Is Permanently Closing

By Associated Press
It is now up to the Indian government to decide whether to keep it shut or consider alternatives, including handing it over to Taliban officials.

Hobson’s Choice for India in Taliban-Held Afghanistan

Hobson’s Choice for India in Taliban-Held Afghanistan

By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
When it comes the question of engaging with the Taliban, New Delhi favors a cautious middle path. 

The Indians Still Stranded in Afghanistan

The Indians Still Stranded in Afghanistan

By Ritu Mahendru
At least 100 Indians are waiting to be evacuated from Afghanistan, with New Delhi offering little help or information.
Can India Engage With the Taliban?

Can India Engage With the Taliban?

By Mohamed Zeeshan
While domestic politics and moral compulsions pull India away from the Taliban, its strategic interests will push it to engage with the new government in Kabul.

India Steps Up Evacuation of Its Nationals From Afghanistan

India Steps Up Evacuation of Its Nationals From Afghanistan

By Sudha Ramachandran
India's likely "benign support" to the Afghan government will neither turn the war in Kabul's favor nor appease the Taliban.
Afghanistan After US Withdrawal

Afghanistan After US Withdrawal

By Ankit Panda
The political situation in Afghanistan remains deeply uncertain.

Does India Have a New Playbook for a New Afghanistan? 

Does India Have a New Playbook for a New Afghanistan? 

By Monish Tourangbam and Neha Dwivedi
India’s engagement with, or rather estrangement from, the Taliban is being debated more intensely.

Understanding Pakistan’s Take on India-Taliban Talks

Understanding Pakistan’s Take on India-Taliban Talks

By Umair Jamal
Will Pakistan support India’s bid to establish ties with the Afghan Taliban?

Does India Gain Anything From the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

Does India Gain Anything From the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

By Krzysztof Iwanek
Any benefits from the SCO are cancelled out by the presence of China and Pakistan.
US-India Ties in Modi's Second Term: Charting a New Course?

US-India Ties in Modi's Second Term: Charting a New Course?

By Ankit Panda
Richard Rossow speaks to The Diplomat about U.S.-India ties.

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