
India caste system

The Future of Reservations in India

The Future of Reservations in India

By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Reservation of jobs and seats in educational institutions, which were based hitherto on caste identity, will now include economic criteria as well.

Seven Decades After It Was Abolished, ‘Untouchability’ Continues to be Practiced in India

Seven Decades After It Was Abolished, ‘Untouchability’ Continues to be Practiced in India

By Kavita Chowdhury
The recent killing of a Dalit child for drinking water out of a pot meant for upper caste people lays bare the extreme discrimination, exclusion, and violence that Dalits suffer.
Does India Need a Caste Census?

Does India Need a Caste Census?

By Parul Abrol
The latest data on caste is needed to formulate policies to address socioeconomic inequality.

What Attempts to Measure India’s Caste System Get Wrong

What Attempts to Measure India’s Caste System Get Wrong

By Shareen Joshi
Modern surveys on caste can feel like inadvertent replications of a colonial mistake.

Dumont, Guha, and the Danger of Stereotyping India

Dumont, Guha, and the Danger of Stereotyping India

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The case of Dumont’s book may serve as a warning to all foreigners dealing with Indian society.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

India's Guardians of the Dead

India's Guardians of the Dead

By Sugato Mukherjee
The cremation undertakers perform a sacred function, but are still “untouchable.”

Has Caste Discrimination Followed Indians Overseas?

Has Caste Discrimination Followed Indians Overseas?

By Priyanka Mogul
The United Kingdom, and particularly the Indian diaspora, debates anti-caste discrimination legislation.
India's Consumer Caste System

India's Consumer Caste System

By Tej Parikh
How globalization has shifted India's social dynamics.

Destroy India's Caste System Before It Destroys India

Destroy India's Caste System Before It Destroys India

By K.S. Venkatachalam
The urgent need to end the decadent practice of the caste system before it ends up destroying the social fabric of India

Dalit Protest Over Gujarat Attack

Dalit Protest Over Gujarat Attack

By Padmapriya Govindarajan
A recent incident has sparked outrage.

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