
India-China competition

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India-Vietnam Relations: Strong and Getting Stronger

India-Vietnam Relations: Strong and Getting Stronger

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
With China a shared concern, India and Vietnam continue to deepen their relationship.
India Cannot Rely on Russian Defense Ties Anymore

India Cannot Rely on Russian Defense Ties Anymore

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Ideally, India would exploit a split in Russia-China relations. But there’s no split to exploit and New Delhi is better off seeking strategic compatibility elsewhere.

Can India Survive in a China-Centered Asia-Pacific?

Can India Survive in a China-Centered Asia-Pacific?

By Lakhvinder Singh
India needs to drastically overhaul its current strategy – or risk ceding the region to Chinese control.

How Bangladesh Is Benefiting From the China-India Rivalry

How Bangladesh Is Benefiting From the China-India Rivalry

By Anu Anwar
Bangladesh has turned its neighbors' rivalry into billions of dollars in investment and military equipment.

India-China-Sri Lanka Triangle: The Defense Dimension

India-China-Sri Lanka Triangle: The Defense Dimension

By Shantanu Roy-Chaudhury
How the India-China competition for influence in Sri Lanka plays out in the security realm.
India Doubles Down on Chabahar Gambit

India Doubles Down on Chabahar Gambit

By Sudha Ramachandran
India continues its investment in the Iranian port, but the project's success is far from guaranteed.

What’s Next for India-US Relations?

What’s Next for India-US Relations?

By Monish Tourangbam
The India-US relationship is still determined to a large extent by the power asymmetry between the two powers.
If India Won't Put Up With the Belt and Road, Why Is It the Largest Recipient of AIIB Funds?

If India Won't Put Up With the Belt and Road, Why Is It the Largest Recipient of AIIB Funds?

By Ankit Panda
India can finance infrastructure projects through the AIIB and remain critical of China's Belt and Road Initiative.

The Maldives Crisis Presents a Window of Opportunity for India

The Maldives Crisis Presents a Window of Opportunity for India

By Devashish Dhar
India has options in the Maldives outside of military intervention and sanctions.

India’s Role and China's Roads in the Indo-Pacific

India’s Role and China's Roads in the Indo-Pacific

By Bharath Gopalaswamy
Looking east and south, New Delhi’s attention is finally turning to Southeast Asia.

The Coming India-Russia Split

The Coming India-Russia Split

By Dmitriy Frolovskiy
Shifting geopolitical dynamics, especially the rise of China, spell trouble for this long-standing relationship.
2017: A Tough Year for China-India Relations

2017: A Tough Year for China-India Relations

By Ivan Lidarev
The China-India relationship stands at a crossroads. Can both sides overcome last year's frictions in 2018?

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