
India defense policy

India’s Growing Defense Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

India’s Growing Defense Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

By Araudra Singh
New Delhi sees the ASEAN nations as amenable strategic partners, and potential customers for its nascent defense industry.

The Threats India’s New Aircraft Carrier Will Face

The Threats India’s New Aircraft Carrier Will Face

By Harshit Prajapati
Like all carriers, the Vikrant will be constrained in its operations, particularly by China’s A2/AD systems.
India-France Naval Exercise: Growing Strategic Synergy

India-France Naval Exercise: Growing Strategic Synergy

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
France has emerged as one of India’s closest strategic partners and the relationship is likely to bloom further in the coming years. 

Dead in the Water: India’s Push Into the Seas Is Unlikely to Help Matters on Land

Dead in the Water: India’s Push Into the Seas Is Unlikely to Help Matters on Land

By Abhijnan Rej
As the Ladakh crisis crosses the 5-month mark, many in New Delhi are suggesting a radically different approach toward China’s bad behavior.

How Will Recent Tensions Impact India’s Tsentr 2019 Participation?

How Will Recent Tensions Impact India’s Tsentr 2019 Participation?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
New Delhi’s expected involvement amid recent tensions with some other participants will make for interesting dynamics.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

India Test Fires Agni-V Nuclear-Capable ICBM

India Test Fires Agni-V Nuclear-Capable ICBM

By Franz-Stefan Gady
India’s most advanced nuclear-capable ICBM is slated to be inducted into service in the coming months.

India to Induct Most Advanced Nuclear-Tipped ICBM in December

India to Induct Most Advanced Nuclear-Tipped ICBM in December

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Indian military is slated to induct the Agni-V intercontinental-range ballistic missile by December, according to media reports.
India Test Fires Most Advanced Nuclear-Capable ICBM

India Test Fires Most Advanced Nuclear-Capable ICBM

By Franz-Stefan Gady
India has successfully test fired an Agni-V intercontinental-range ballistic missile on June 3.

Why India's Drone Policy Needs a Rethink

Why India's Drone Policy Needs a Rethink

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
New Delhi needs to think more about drone technology and its domestic, regional, and global implications.

Why the Vietnam President’s India Visit Matters for Security Ties

Why the Vietnam President’s India Visit Matters for Security Ties

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The weekend trip attests to the logic of increased security cooperation between the two major Asian players.

India Tests Most Advanced Nuclear-Capable ICBM

India Tests Most Advanced Nuclear-Capable ICBM

By Franz-Stefan Gady
India's defense ministry says the coutry has successfully test-fired a long-range intercontinental ballistic missile.
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