
India demonetization

The Short Life of India’s 2,000-Rupee Note

The Short Life of India’s 2,000-Rupee Note

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Introduced when the 500- and 1,000-rupee notes were demonetized in 2016, the 2,000-rupee note has now been pulled out of circulation.

India’s Top Court Upholds Legality of 2016 Currency Ban

India’s Top Court Upholds Legality of 2016 Currency Ban

By Sheikh Saaliq
The ban had rendered 86% of India’s currency invalid without warning, causing hardship to millions of ordinary Indians.
Demonetization: Minimum Governance, Maximum Gundagardi

Demonetization: Minimum Governance, Maximum Gundagardi

By Shezad Lakhani
Modi’s approach, epitomized by demonetization, reinforces India’s statist tendencies.

Can the Modi Government Halt India's Economic Tailspin?

Can the Modi Government Halt India's Economic Tailspin?

By K.S. Venkatachalam
Demonetization and the GST have taken a toll. Can Modi get India's economy booming again?

Modi’s Bumpy Anticorruption Drive

Modi’s Bumpy Anticorruption Drive

By Yigal Chazan
The Indian prime minister’s attempt to tackle ‘black money’ and financial crime is proving controversial.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

India’s Taxing Pains

India’s Taxing Pains

By Anthony Fensom
Confused implementation reminds some of the the day after demonetization, but there's hope for the future.

How India’s Demonetization Experiment Is Defying the Odds 

How India’s Demonetization Experiment Is Defying the Odds 

By Henry Burrows
While demonetization appears to be defying expectations, opinion remains divided over the speed and secrecy of the move.
India's Demonetization Is a Distraction, Not a Solution

India's Demonetization Is a Distraction, Not a Solution

By Riju Agrawal
Demonetization was billed as a 'silver bullet' for India's woes. In reality, it will prevent more effective solutions.

What Demonetization Means for Indian States

What Demonetization Means for Indian States

By Tridivesh Singh Maini
The controversial policy has sparked both criticism and a competition to lead the new, digital economy.

Can India Go Cashless?

Can India Go Cashless?

By Mohamed Zeeshan
The transition to a digital economy will take time and careful planning.

Asia’s New Year Resolutions for 2017

Asia’s New Year Resolutions for 2017

By Anthony Fensom
Suggested goals for Asia's major economies in the new year.
India: Demonetization and Natural Disaster

India: Demonetization and Natural Disaster

By Padmapriya Govindarajan
India's decision to demonetize high value currency has hampered natural disaster recovery efforts in Tamil Nadu.

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