
India healthcare

Punjab’s ‘Cancer Train’ Runs on Hope

Punjab’s ‘Cancer Train’ Runs on Hope

By Abhiroop Chowdhury
Cases of cancer are widespread in Punjab and Haryana, where groundwater is contaminated by high pesticide use.
The Deep Roots of Witch Branding in India

The Deep Roots of Witch Branding in India

By Lina Volkmann and Shalini Sri Perumal
The practice is an outcome of patriarchy and lack of access to alternative healthcare facilities.

India’s Infant Mortality Rate Improves, But Still Lags Behind Much of Asia

India’s Infant Mortality Rate Improves, But Still Lags Behind Much of Asia

By Neeta Lal
There is still a wide disparity in health outcomes for children between rural and urban India.

Indian Hospitals Plead for Oxygen as Country Sets Virus Record

Indian Hospitals Plead for Oxygen as Country Sets Virus Record

By Neha Mehrotra and Ashok Sharma
Indian hospitals, especially in major cities, are running dangerously low on the oxygen needed to care for COVID-19 patients.

The Fight at the Front: Securing Rights for India’s Rural Health ‘Volunteers’

The Fight at the Front: Securing Rights for India’s Rural Health ‘Volunteers’

By Ayesha Pattnaik
ASHA and Anganwadi workers play an extremely important role in India’s villages. Its time they are recognized as such.
India Says It May Approve Vaccine in Weeks, Outlines Plan

India Says It May Approve Vaccine in Weeks, Outlines Plan

By Associated Press
Three vaccine companies have applied for early approval in India.

India’s Ailing Health Sector

India’s Ailing Health Sector

By Neeta Lal
Poor quality (yet expensive) healthcare is becoming a national crisis for India.
Tuberculosis: India’s Silent Epidemic

Tuberculosis: India’s Silent Epidemic

By Siddharthya Roy and Sayan Ghosh
As of 2018, India is home to the world’s largest number of patients suffering from tuberculosis.

India’s Miracle Train: A Journey Like None Other

India’s Miracle Train: A Journey Like None Other

By Amruta Khandekar
The world’s first hospital-on-rails has certainly been a monumental source of inspiration.

Can India's New Healthcare Scheme Work?

Can India's New Healthcare Scheme Work?

By K.S. Venkatachalam
The newly launched flagship Health Protection Mission can become a game changer for India’s healthcare services.

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