India infrastructure

Modi’s Latest Budget Sets Out His Long-Term Vision for India
By Mohamed Zeeshan
Investment on infrastructure has been hiked by 35 percent over last year, indicating that this sector is the government’s first-choice job creator.

As China-India Border Construction Heats up, So Do Confrontations
By Riya Singh Rathore
In the short term, more development means more clashes. But could there be a positive impact in the long term?

India’s Cities Need Green Infrastructure Financing
By Soumyadip Chattopadhay
The time is ripe for a new system to narrow down sustainable urban infrastructure financing gaps.

Improving Japan-India Infrastructure Cooperation in South Asia
By Tridivesh Singh Maini
It’s time for a fresh approach if the two states are to offer a realistic alternative to Chinese cash.

India's Railway Reforms
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
How rail will boost India’s economy in the coming decades.

India’s Worrying Border Infrastructure Deficit
By Sudha Ramachandran
A disturbing disparity has emerged in infrastructure development on either side of the disputed Sino-Indian border.

China Offers To Finance 30 Percent Of Indian Infrastructure Spending Through 2017
By Ankit Panda
The offer would see $300 billion of Chinese funding flow into India through 2017.
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