
India-Pakistan conflict

Why Did Pakistan Test Its MIRV-Capable Ababeel Missile?

Why Did Pakistan Test Its MIRV-Capable Ababeel Missile?

By Usman Haider and Abdul Moiz Khan
As India’s ballistic missile defense system is further tested and development, Islamabad was compelled to illustrate its own response capabilities.
Michael Kugelman on the India-Pakistan Relationship

Michael Kugelman on the India-Pakistan Relationship

By Shannon Tiezzi
Pakistan wants a more stable relationship with India, but “that doesn’t mean it wants to pursue reconciliation.”

India Escalates Water Conflict With Pakistan

India Escalates Water Conflict With Pakistan

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Its notice for the Indus Water Treaty’s modification comes in the wake of a series of hydroelectric projects planned on the Indus valley rivers in India.

Looking Back at the 1999 India-Pakistan Lahore Declaration

Looking Back at the 1999 India-Pakistan Lahore Declaration

By Bashir Ali Abbas
The confidence-building and conflict-management MoU continues to be held up as a positive example. Where does it stand today?

5 Reasons Why Kashmir Matters

5 Reasons Why Kashmir Matters

By Hussain Nadim
Kashmir is not getting safe; it’s only getting more insecure and unsustainable to govern for the Indian government.
Sultans on Wings: The Symbolism of Weapon Names in India and Pakistan

Sultans on Wings: The Symbolism of Weapon Names in India and Pakistan

By Krzysztof Iwanek
Religion and history are central to how both sides name some of their key platforms and equipment.

Lessons From Balakot: One Year On

Lessons From Balakot: One Year On

By Sitara Noor and Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
One year ago, India and Pakistan engaged in dangerous brinkmanship. What are the lessons learned?
Qassem Soleimani’s Assassination: Lessons for India?

Qassem Soleimani’s Assassination: Lessons for India?

By Abhijnan Rej
Soleimani’s assassination puts us in uncharted strategic waters, with implications, based on interpreted lessons, for India and others.

The Kargil War: India and Pakistan 20 Years Later

The Kargil War: India and Pakistan 20 Years Later

By Sameer Lalwani and Eyal Hanfling
Parsing the war’s consequences, implications, and relationship to 2019’s Balakot crisis.

Kashmir, Pulwama, and Pakistan: Navigating Islam and Citizenship in India

Kashmir, Pulwama, and Pakistan: Navigating Islam and Citizenship in India

By Aman Madan and Hari Prasad
For segments of the country’s Hindu population, Muslim loyalty to the nation has always been suspect.

India Needs to Keep the Indus Waters Treaty Intact

India Needs to Keep the Indus Waters Treaty Intact

By Sayanangshu Modak
The long-standing water-sharing agreement should not be a soft target for punitive action.
Don't Overlook the Root Cause of the Latest India-Pakistan Flare-up

Don't Overlook the Root Cause of the Latest India-Pakistan Flare-up

By Sidra Hamidi
Behind the specific events of February 2019, there’s the larger danger of rising nationalism in both countries.

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