
India-Pakistan Kashmir dispute

India-Pakistan Water Cooperation Returns to Kashmir 

India-Pakistan Water Cooperation Returns to Kashmir 

By Sehr Rushmeen
A hydroelectric inspection signals increased engagement amid climate concerns.
Pakistan’s Not-So-Azad Kashmir

Pakistan’s Not-So-Azad Kashmir

By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Pakistan spends a lot of effort condemning India’s governance in Kashmir. Few are interested in addressing the plight of the Kashmiris under Pakistan’s control.

India-US Dispute: A Storm in a Teacup?

India-US Dispute: A Storm in a Teacup?

By Prem Singh Gill
A U.S. diplomat’s visits to Pakistan-administered Kashmir have created tensions between Delhi and Washington, but the diplomatic dispute is unlikely to result in a breakdown in their strategic relationship.    

With G20 Event, India Seeks to Project Normalcy in Disputed Kashmir

With G20 Event, India Seeks to Project Normalcy in Disputed Kashmir

By Aijaz Hussain
The G-20 tourism meeting will be the first significant international event in Kashmir since New Delhi stripped region of its autonomy in 2019.

The India-Pakistan Game: New Delhi Should Keep Playing to Win

The India-Pakistan Game: New Delhi Should Keep Playing to Win

By Bashir Ali Abbas
India can use its advantage to extract enduring political gains from Islamabad.  
Husain Haqqani on India-Pakistan Talks

Husain Haqqani on India-Pakistan Talks

By Sudha Ramachandran
“If India and Pakistan keep emotions out of it and approach their problems logically, there is room for advancing the relationship.”

India-Pakistan Dialogue: Past Trends and Future Prospects

India-Pakistan Dialogue: Past Trends and Future Prospects

By Bashir Ali Abbas
When it comes to India-Pakistan dialogue, what comes first: Fixing the overarching bilateral relationship or discussing Kashmir?
‘We Live With Our Losses’: What the Indo-Pak Ceasefire Means to Locals Along the LoC

‘We Live With Our Losses’: What the Indo-Pak Ceasefire Means to Locals Along the LoC

By Tarushi Aswani
Over a year since the ceasefire took effect, locals say they continue to live under the shadow of trauma caused by the Kashmir conflict.

Why Pakistan Should Grant De Facto Provincial Status to Gilgit-Baltistan

Why Pakistan Should Grant De Facto Provincial Status to Gilgit-Baltistan

By Sitara Noor
The region has long been in administrative limbo, to the detriment of its people. Time to turn GB into Pakistan's provisional fifth province.

What Does the India-Pakistan Ceasefire Mean for Local Kashmiris?

What Does the India-Pakistan Ceasefire Mean for Local Kashmiris?

By Qadri Inzamam and Haziq Qadri
Along the disputed border, the breakthrough means a chance to live and hope again. But will the calm last?

The Complex Calculus Behind Gilgit-Baltistan’s Provincial Upgrade

The Complex Calculus Behind Gilgit-Baltistan’s Provincial Upgrade

By Sudha Ramachandran
Kashmir, India, and China: The creation of Pakistan’s newest province will have far-flung geopolitical ripples.
Is Pakistan Losing Saudi Arabia?

Is Pakistan Losing Saudi Arabia?

By Sudha Ramachandran
By attempting to arm-twist Riyadh on the Kashmir issue, Islamabad is undermining relations with a long-time patron.

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