
What Are the Prospects for Reviving India-Pakistan Trade?
By Waleed Sami
India-Pakistan trade has been especially difficult since 2019. What would it take for the neighbors to overcome present barriers to trade?

5 Years After Pulwama Attacks and Balakot Strikes
By Christopher Clary
Will the memory of Balakot as stressed by Indian officials make escalation more appealing and de-escalation harder for Indian leaders when confronting the next crisis?

Pakistan Watches Closely as India Hosts G20 Summit This Weekend
By Umair Jamal
Islamabad could ask its friends in the G-20 to ensure that the final statement is not hostile to Pakistan in any way.

India, Drones, and Human Rights: The Flight Forward
By Siddhant Hira and Ryan Mitra
A drone doctrine is important to ensure not only that drones are not misused, but also their use does not trigger an escalation of hostility between India and Pakistan

Pakistan Says India was Behind Recent Bomb Blast in Lahore
By Zarar Khan
The explosion took place near the residence of Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed.

The Map Is Not the Territory. Or Is It?
By Abhijnan Rej
The recent kerfuffle over a new political map of Pakistan at the SCO national security advisers’ meeting must be seen in its proper context.

Touqir Hussain on Pakistan Foreign Policy Under Imran Khan
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The Diplomat talks with Touqir Hussain on Imran Khan and his handling of Pakistan's foreign policy thus far.

Would New India-Pakistan Talks Really Matter?
By Touqir Hussain
Even if dialogue resumes, it is doubtful if it will achieve anything short of synchronized progress on a number of areas.

China Shows its True Colors by Blocking India’s Terror Blacklist Bid Again
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Beijing’s move, though unsurprising, is not without significance.

Prince Salman Tour Spotlights Saudi Arabia Variable in India-Pakistan-China Relations
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The voyage highlighted Riyadh’s role in the balance of ties between the three states and India’s continued concerns on that front.

Pakistan’s Growing Isolation: Nawaz Sharif's Lonely Campaign at the UN
By Harsh V. Pant
Don't let Nawaz Sharif's confidence at UNGA fool you: Pakistan is isolated.

What To Make Of The India-Pakistan DGMOs Meeting?
By Ankit Panda
Indian and Pakistani military officials held a rare meeting at the end of 2013. Did it accomplish anything?
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