India Quad

Trump and Modi Boost India-US Defense Cooperation
By Ajai Shukla
With the US announcing a review of its policy on releasing fifth-generation fighters and undersea systems to India, Delhi could soon acquire the F-35 Lightning II joint strike aircraft.

Will Sikh Separatist Pannun Spoil India’s Plans to Mediate Between Russia and Ukraine?
By Armaan Mathur
The timing of the U.S. scrutiny of top Indian officials is important. It came even as India’s rising role in Quad was evident at the Delaware summit.

As Quad Completes 20 Years, India Takes on Multiple New Responsibilities
By Elizabeth Roche
Previously, India was seen as the ‘weak link’ in Quad. At the Delaware summit, India seemed more willing to take on China’s growing initiatives in the Indo-Pacific.

How the US Is Pushing India Away
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
A policy that does not respect that India does not need lessons in how to run its domestic affairs could push New Delhi to close ranks with other countries against the U.S.

As China’s FM Qin Gang Prepares to Visit India, Reflections on Wang Yi’s Views
By Saheb Singh Chadha
Former Foreign Minister Wang’s speech late last year indicated that China-India relations are likely to remain troubled for a while.

Japan’s Military Resurgence Takes the Heat off India
By Mohamed Zeeshan
The rise of alternative military partners means that the U.S. doesn’t need to press New Delhi to align with it on sensitive geopolitical issues or against China or Russia.

India’s Space Cooperation With the US – and the Quad – Intensifies
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Delhi is taking space cooperation with each of its Quad partners to new heights.

India and the Quad: 3 Wildcards
By Abhijnan Rej
While New Delhi remains committed to the grouping as of now, the future could bring unpleasant surprises.
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