In Trade, China Has a Sharp Edge Over India, and Sharp Things Can Be Weaponized
By Krzysztof Iwanek
It is not an Indian boycott of Chinese goods that would be a real challenge for New Delhi, but Beijing’s blocking of exports to India.
India’s Leaderless Opposition
By Anik Joshi
The bad news is that India’s opposition still does not have a face; the good news is it has two years to sort that out.
The Many Unanswered Questions About India’s Missile Accident
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Thankfully the accidental firing of an Indian missile into Pakistani territory did not lead to escalation, but many questions remain unanswered about what happened.
Quad Meets Amid Russian Invasion of Ukraine
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
There are clear differences between India and the rest of the Quad, but it is also evident they are willing to work together to resolve those differences.
Bay of Bengal Countries Need to Pay Closer Attention to the Climate-Security Nexus
By Angshuman Choudhury and Siddharth Anil Nair
There is widespread global consensus on the seriousness of climate change, but we are yet to understand the full extent of its consequences on our polities and societies.
India’s Place in the New US Indo-Pacific Strategy
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
New Delhi finds a prominent place in the strategy’s focus on Washington’s network of allies and partners across the Indo-Pacific.
India Appoints 1st National Maritime Security Coordinator
By Anil Jai Singh
India’s destiny is firmly anchored in the maritime domain.
The Chinese Threat to Lower Brahmaputra Riparians India and Bangladesh
By Jaideep Saikia
The plan to divert the waters of Brahmaputra would affect over 140 million people who are dependent on the river.
Land Rights, Environment Top Election Agenda in India’s Goa
By Vineeta Deepak
Goa's turbulent politics is a microcosm of India's chaotic political landscape, where a diverse mix of religious and caste identities shape the elections.
For Love of Urdu: Language and the Legacies of Jinnah and Nehru
By Shahzaman Haque
That the two founding figures of Indian and Pakistani independence were united by a shared love of Urdu speaks eloquently of the language’s rich history.
India’s Semiconductor Pursuit
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
New Delhi is clearly making a push to expand its capabilities in the critical semiconductor industry.
The Strategic Logic Behind India’s Sale of BrahMos Missiles to the Philippines
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The strategic aspects of the BrahMos sale and India’s assistance to Southeast Asian countries should not be minimized.