Indian defense industry

Maiden Test for India’s Agni-5 MIRV Missile
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
MIRV is a complex technology, and India’s test this week puts it among a small group of countries that have managed to develop it.

Indian Experts Want New Delhi to Buy Fewer Arms From Russia (and Everyone Else, Too)
By Krzysztof Iwanek
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine strengthened many Indian experts’ views on the need for self-reliance in defense production.

The Strategic Logic Behind India’s Sale of BrahMos Missiles to the Philippines
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The strategic aspects of the BrahMos sale and India’s assistance to Southeast Asian countries should not be minimized.

The Russo-Indian AK-203 Venture: A Case Study in Defense Pragmatism?
By Krzysztof Iwanek
What does India’s decision to enter into a massive rifle production joint venture with Russia say about its priorities?

Report: India Scraps Israel Anti-Tank Guided Missiles Deal (Again)
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Indian government has reportedly once again abandoned plans to procure medium-range anti-tank guided missiles from Israel.

India’s Army Approves ‘Emergency Purchase’ of 240 Israeli Anti-Tank Guided Missiles
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Indian Army approved the import of 240 Spike anti-tank missiles and 12 launchers earlier this month.

India to Conduct Validation Trials of Israeli Anti-Tank Guided Missile
By Franz-Stefan Gady
India will undertake validation trials of the Israeli-made Spike anti-tank guided missile in 2019.

Is India Reviving a $500 Million Anti-Tank Guided Missile Deal With Israel?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
India will still buy Israeli ATGMs as a “stop gap” measure within the next three years, according to a source.

Difficult Times Ahead for Russia-India Ties
By Harsh V. Pant
The relationship between New Delhi and Moscow will see simmering challenges come to a head soon.

India’s Military Short of 68,000 Anti-Tank Guided Missiles and 850 Launchers
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Indian Army has once more sounded the alarm over the lack of modern anti-tank guided missiles and launchers.

Netanyahu Says Israel-India Anti-Tank Guided Missile Deal Remains on Track
By Ankit Panda
India will still buy Israeli Spike ATGMs, according to the Israeli prime minister.

Waking the Beast: India’s Defense Reforms Under Modi
By Jeff M. Smith
Modi and Parrikar deserve credit for shaking things up, but much work remains to be done.
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