
Indian Government

Power Struggle Unveiled: Delhi Services Act Challenges Autonomy and Democracy

Power Struggle Unveiled: Delhi Services Act Challenges Autonomy and Democracy

By Shruti Rathore
The question of who has authority over the appointment and transfer of civil servants in the capital region pits the central government’s appointees against Delhi’s elected government. 

One Federation, One Election? Narendra Modi’s Push for Simultaneous Elections in India

One Federation, One Election? Narendra Modi’s Push for Simultaneous Elections in India

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The (unlikely) introduction of simultaneous elections in India would favor the richest national parties at the expense of regional parties.
Is India Missing Its Chance to Learn From the COVID Crisis?

Is India Missing Its Chance to Learn From the COVID Crisis?

By Rwitoban Deb
The pandemic could have been a portal to a better India, but the door is closing.

Union Against Unity: Labor Law Suspension Drives Rift Between India’s Government and Labor Unions

Union Against Unity: Labor Law Suspension Drives Rift Between India’s Government and Labor Unions

By Krzysztof Iwanek
Why is India’s ruling party’s own trade union protesting against the government’s policies?

The Idea of India—And a Transition Toward Violent, Exclusionary Nationalism

The Idea of India—And a Transition Toward Violent, Exclusionary Nationalism

By Nazir Ahmad and Muneeb Yousuf
What the nation meant for Tagore, Gandhi, and Nehru differs from what it means for the BJP and RSS.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

India Evacuates Citizens, Others From China, Iran Amid COVID-19

India Evacuates Citizens, Others From China, Iran Amid COVID-19

By Ankit Panda
India has retrieved more than 800 of its citizens from overseas amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Modi Government Scraps Kashmir's Special Status: What Now?

The Modi Government Scraps Kashmir's Special Status: What Now?

By Harsh V. Pant
Modi alters the Kashmir dynamic.
India’s National Security Election: Why It’s Advantage Modi

India’s National Security Election: Why It’s Advantage Modi

By Harsh V. Pant
The Indian prime minister’s national security credentials are poised to have benefits at the polls.

A New Documentary Showcases the Official Indian Narrative on Kashmir

A New Documentary Showcases the Official Indian Narrative on Kashmir

By Avinash Giri
A pro-establishment media organization seeks to justify the Indian government's policies.

It's Time For India to Update Its Cybersecurity Policy

It's Time For India to Update Its Cybersecurity Policy

By Aman Thakker
India must update its cybersecurity policy to respond to growing threats in cyberspace.

Who Protects Indians From the Taxman’s Algorithms?

Who Protects Indians From the Taxman’s Algorithms?

By Aswin Mannepalli
As the Indian government scrutinizes the digital lives of its citizens to root out economic crime, fundamental rights could be in jeopardy.
India Approves New 'Strategic Partnership' Defense Manufacturing Policy

India Approves New 'Strategic Partnership' Defense Manufacturing Policy

By Ankit Panda
The new policy will open up considerable space for private sector enterprises in the defense sector.

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