Indonesia COVID-19 vaccine

Indonesia Launches First Home-Grown COVID-19 Vaccine
By Sebastian Strangio
The head of the state-owned firm Bio Farma says that the development of IndoVac will "help reduce the nation's dependency on imported vaccines."

COVID-19 Infections Hit Six-Month Highs in Indonesia
By Sebastian Strangio
Propelled by the Omicron variant, the country's daily caseload has increased more than 30-fold in just under a month.

Jakarta Schools Reopen as Indonesia’s COVID-19 Wave Eases
By Sebastian Strangio
But Southeast Asia's largest country is not quite out of the woods yet.

Despite COVID-19, Indonesian President Pledges to Continue With Economic Reforms
By Sebastian Strangio
President Joko Widodo said that the development of infrastructure and "quality human capital" will remain priorities for the remainder of his second term.

Deadly COVID-19 Variant Migrates to Indonesia’s Outer Islands
By Sebastian Strangio
Just as cases are beginning to ease in densely populated Java and Bali, they are rising elsewhere.

Malaysia to Phase Out China’s Sinovac Vaccine
By Sebastian Strangio
Will mounting evidence about the limited efficacy of Chinese-made vaccines spell the end for Beijing's vaccine diplomacy?

COVID-19 Vaccine Delays Push Indonesia Into Reliance on China
By Sebastian Strangio
Beijing's comments on “vaccine nationalism” hints at its desire to position itself as the vaccine supplier of first resort to the developing world.

The Trouble With Indonesia’s Dual‑Track Vaccination Scheme
By Kevin O'Rourke
The Gotong Royong plan for corporate employees will likely give rise to vivid perceptions among the public that the rich enjoy preferential access to coveted vaccines.
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