
Indonesia Islam

As the World Celebrates Valentine’s Day, Has Indonesia Lost Its Loving Feeling?

As the World Celebrates Valentine’s Day, Has Indonesia Lost Its Loving Feeling?

By Aisyah Llewellyn
Despite being embraced by the young, the country's religious authorities have long viewed it as a potentially corrupting influence.
Is Indonesia’s Largest Islamic Organization Compromising Its Political Neutrality?

Is Indonesia’s Largest Islamic Organization Compromising Its Political Neutrality?

By Virdika Rizky Utama
Leading members of Nahdlatul Ulama have become actively involved in the campaigning for next month's election, straining the group's traditional impartiality.

The Anies-Muhaimin Candidacy: A Political Test for Modernist and Traditionalist Islam in Indonesia

The Anies-Muhaimin Candidacy: A Political Test for Modernist and Traditionalist Islam in Indonesia

By Virdika Rizky Utama
The recently announced election partnership between Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar is seeking to bridge two contending religious traditions.

Indonesian School Head Charged With Blasphemy Over Unorthodox Teachings

Indonesian School Head Charged With Blasphemy Over Unorthodox Teachings

By Sebastian Strangio
Panji Gumilang, 77, heads a school where women are allowed to preach and pray alongside men.

Nahdlatul Ulama at 100: Opportunities and Challenges

Nahdlatul Ulama at 100: Opportunities and Challenges

By Virdika Rizky Utama
At the turn of its second century, the Indonesian Islamic organization, one of the world's largest, faces a number of challenging headwinds.
In Indonesia, a Rising Tide of Religious Intolerance

In Indonesia, a Rising Tide of Religious Intolerance

By Laura Arman
Despite its official motto of "unity in diversity," the country is becoming increasingly inhospitable for members of religious minorities.

Is Abu Bakar Bashir Really Walking Away From Violent Extremism?

Is Abu Bakar Bashir Really Walking Away From Violent Extremism?

By Bilveer Singh
The former JI leader recently pledged his loyalty to the Indonesian state, but there are reasons to question the sincerity of his conversion.
Indonesia’s Mosque Loudspeakers Continue to Spark Controversy

Indonesia’s Mosque Loudspeakers Continue to Spark Controversy

By A’an Suryana
Indonesian government attempts to regulate the azan, or Islamic call to prayer, continue to inflame religious sentiments.

Islamic Schools and Girls’ Education in Indonesia: Lessons for the Taliban

Islamic Schools and Girls’ Education in Indonesia: Lessons for the Taliban

By M Niaz Asadullah
Indonesia has shown that education based on Islamic precepts is not incompatible with the expansion of education to girls and women.

Indonesia Bans Mandatory Religious Attire in Schools

Indonesia Bans Mandatory Religious Attire in Schools

By Sebastian Strangio
The move followed a social media outcry about high school students in West Sumatra being forced to wear the Muslim hijab.

Seeking a Viable Alternative to Indonesia’s Blasphemy Laws

Seeking a Viable Alternative to Indonesia’s Blasphemy Laws

By Desi Hanara
Instead of criminalizing blasphemy, Indonesia should focus on penalizing incitement to discrimination, hostility, and violence.
Indonesia’s Blasphemy Laws in the Headlines With Acquittal

Indonesia’s Blasphemy Laws in the Headlines With Acquittal

By Associated Press
An Indonesian woman was acquitted of blasphemy charges for taking a dog into a mosque.

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