
Indonesia security

Jemaah Islamiyah Says It Has Disbanded. Should We Believe It?

Jemaah Islamiyah Says It Has Disbanded. Should We Believe It?

By Aisyah Llewellyn
Late last month, 16 senior JI figures announced the group's dissolution, and said they were “ready to actively contribute to Indonesia's progress and dignity.”

Indonesia Should Embrace a New ‘Revolution’ in Military Affairs

Indonesia Should Embrace a New ‘Revolution’ in Military Affairs

By Iqbal Bagus Alfiansyah
The idea of "collaborative combat" could help integrate the country's military and prepare it to meet the challenges of the coming decades.
Lee and Jokowi Pledge Continuity at Final Leaders’ Summit

Lee and Jokowi Pledge Continuity at Final Leaders’ Summit

By Sebastian Strangio
For the first time, the Singaporean and Indonesian leaders attended the Leaders' Retreat along with their successors.

What Can Indonesia Expect From Its Anticipated Defense Cooperation Agreement With Australia?

What Can Indonesia Expect From Its Anticipated Defense Cooperation Agreement With Australia?

By Yokie Rahmad Isjchwansyah
The agreement, set to be signed in the coming months, offers an opportunity for Jakarta to bolster its domestic defense industry and clarify its position on AUKUS.

Papuan Rebel Group Says It Is Willing to Release Abducted New Zealand Pilot

Papuan Rebel Group Says It Is Willing to Release Abducted New Zealand Pilot

By Sebastian Strangio
The announcement hinted at disagreements within the separatist movement, which could complicate Philip Mehrtens' release.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Where Does Indonesia’s Prabowo Subianto Stand on Foreign Policy?

Where Does Indonesia’s Prabowo Subianto Stand on Foreign Policy?

By Noto Suoneto
The defense minister would likely follow the broad approach of President Joko Widodo, but with a heavier emphasis on defense.

Challenges to Underwater Sovereignty and Indonesia’s Naval Modernization

Challenges to Underwater Sovereignty and Indonesia’s Naval Modernization

By Iqbal Bagus Alfiansyah and Muhammad Fauzan Malufti
The country's military modernization drive needs to include measures to improve its underwater defense capabilities.
Can Indonesia Afford Its Big Military Modernization Plans?

Can Indonesia Afford Its Big Military Modernization Plans?

By James Guild
Despite a rash of major defense acquisitions, the country still spends a relatively low percentage of its GDP on defense.

Even a Neutral Indonesia Could Get Dragged Into a China-US War

Even a Neutral Indonesia Could Get Dragged Into a China-US War

By Abdul Rahman Yaacob
Indonesia could unwittingly be drawn into great-power military conflict due to its strategic location, especially if a China-U.S. clash happens in Indonesian waters.

Setting Indonesia’s Navy on a Course Beyond 2024

Setting Indonesia’s Navy on a Course Beyond 2024

By Gilang Kembara
The Minimum Essential Force modernization program ends next year. Does TNI-AL have a plan for what to do next?

Papuan Rebels Take New Zealand Pilot Hostage in Remote Area

Papuan Rebels Take New Zealand Pilot Hostage in Remote Area

By Sebastian Strangio
The West Papua National Liberation Army says it holds Western countries, including New Zealand, responsible for supporting the Indonesian military.
How Indonesia Can Improve Its Defense Investment Climate

How Indonesia Can Improve Its Defense Investment Climate

By Anastasia Febiola Sumarauw and Muhammad Fauzan Malufti
If the country wants to expand its domestic defense manufacturing sector, it needs to make itself a more attractive market for foreign arms contractors.

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