Iran-Pakistan Relations

The Coming Crisis Along the Iran-Pakistan Border
By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
Qassem Soleimani’s killing will have trickle down effects that could ramp up Baloch militancy in both countries.

Saudi-Pakistani Relations Enter Tough Times as Both Riyadh and Islamabad Face Challenges
By Hannan R. Hussain
As regional tensions mount, what lies ahead for Pakistan-Saudi Arabia security ties?

Pakistan’s Approach to Navigating Saudi-Iran Tensions: Solidarity With Riyadh
By Umair Jamal
How to make sense of Pakistan’s new approach of solidarity towards Saudi Arabia.

Pakistan-Iran Relations Under Imran Khan
By Umair Jamal
How significant was the Pakistani prime minister’s visit, especially right after a major attack in Balochistan?

How Iran and Pakistan Matter for a Post-US Withdrawal Afghan Landscape
By Adam Weinstein
Strained relations with Pakistan coupled with a hostile posture toward Iran leave Washington stranded in Afghanistan.

What the Kulbhushan Jadhav Saga Reveals About India and Pakistan’s Balochistan Problems
By Ahsan Butt
India’s Quint published and deleted a story alleging that Jadhav was indeed spying for India. What does that tell us?

Iran-Pakistan at the Crossroads?
By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
A tradition of cooperation is giving way to a much more complicated relationship

China, Iran, and 'One Belt, One Road'
By Hamzah Rifaat
Will Iran become drawn into China's 'One Belt, One Road' orbit in Pakistan?

The Dilemma of Pakistan’s Foreign Policy
By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
Why can’t Islamabad get its foreign policy on track?

Long Overdue: India's Modi Visits Iran, Signing Key Agreements, Setting Broad Agenda
By Ankit Panda
Modi's visit marks the first bilateral prime ministerial visit since 2001.

India Takes Iran Relations Forward
By Manish Vaid and Tridivesh Singh Maini
Recent visits see the two countries strengthening an already solid relationship.

Pakistan Army Chief Accuses India of Undermining China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
By Ankit Panda
Pakistan's army chief accused India's intelligence agency of undermining the multi-billion dollar China-Pakistan initiative.