
Iran-Saudi Arabia relations

The China-brokered Iran-Saudi Peace Deal: Implications For Indonesia

The China-brokered Iran-Saudi Peace Deal: Implications For Indonesia

By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat and Yeta Purnama
The prospects of China acting as a peace mediator are much less likely closer to home.
China in Iran-Saudi Arabia Relations: Impact on Israel

China in Iran-Saudi Arabia Relations: Impact on Israel

By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Mordechai Chaziza.

China’s Role in the Iran-Saudi Deal May Not Be All That Bad for India

China’s Role in the Iran-Saudi Deal May Not Be All That Bad for India

By Sajid Farid Shapoo
New Delhi needs to assess if China’s growing involvement in the Gulf is detrimental to its long-term security interests and the regional balance of power.

Why China Is Looking for a Bigger Role in the Middle East

Why China Is Looking for a Bigger Role in the Middle East

By Mu Chunshan
China's brokering of the Iran-Saudi Arabia agreement advances several diplomatic priorities for Beijing.

What the Iran-Saudi Agreement Reveals About China’s Approach to Conflict Management

What the Iran-Saudi Agreement Reveals About China’s Approach to Conflict Management

By Guy Burton
Beijing prefers to lead from behind, engaging in “quasi-mediation” on diplomatic processes that are already in motion.
Iran-Saudi Arabia Reconciliation Is an Opportunity for Pakistan

Iran-Saudi Arabia Reconciliation Is an Opportunity for Pakistan

By Ureeda Khan
As Iran’s neighbor, Saudi Arabia’s partner, and China’s key ally, Pakistan will see major benefits from the recent diplomatic breakthrough.

The Broader Context Behind China’s Mediation Between Iran and Saudi Arabia

The Broader Context Behind China’s Mediation Between Iran and Saudi Arabia

By Mehran Haghirian and Jacopo Scita
When it was clear that an agreement was possible to finalize the détente, China took the mantle of responsibility and the role of a direct mediator.
Iran, Saudi Arabia Agree to Resume Ties, With China’s Help

Iran, Saudi Arabia Agree to Resume Ties, With China’s Help

By Jon Gambrell
The major diplomatic breakthrough, negotiated in Beijing with China as mediator, is a demonstration of China's influence in the Middle East.

Pakistan’s Approach to Navigating Saudi-Iran Tensions: Solidarity With Riyadh

Pakistan’s Approach to Navigating Saudi-Iran Tensions: Solidarity With Riyadh

By Umair Jamal
How to make sense of Pakistan’s new approach of solidarity towards Saudi Arabia.

What's Behind Saudi Arabia's Turn Away From the Taliban?

What's Behind Saudi Arabia's Turn Away From the Taliban?

By Samuel Ramani
Saudi Arabia’s increasingly anti-Taliban stance helps Riyadh consolidate its vital regional alliances and isolate Qatar.

Pakistan, Neutrality, and Saudi Arabia's Islamic Military Alliance

Pakistan, Neutrality, and Saudi Arabia's Islamic Military Alliance

By Hamzah Rifaat Hussain
General Raheel Sharif's appointment to lead the Saudi-led alliance presents challenges for Pakistani foreign policy.
Long Overdue: India's Modi Visits Iran, Signing Key Agreements, Setting Broad Agenda

Long Overdue: India's Modi Visits Iran, Signing Key Agreements, Setting Broad Agenda

By Ankit Panda
Modi's visit marks the first bilateral prime ministerial visit since 2001.

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