
Islamic State Claims Tajikistan Car Attack
By Catherine Putz
Meanwhile, Dushanbe has reflexively accused the IRPT of coordinating the attack.

Detailing an Arbitrary Detention in Tajikistan
By Catherine Putz
The details of Dushanbe’s human rights violations tell the story of a state afraid of its own people but not of international law.

Tajik Activist Returned to Tajikistan From Turkey
By Catherine Putz
Human rights groups say Namunjon Sharipov was forcibly returned to Tajikistan.

Greek Court Denies Tajik Extradition Request for IRPT Member
By Catherine Putz
Mirzorakhim Kuzov had been detained in Greece after Tajikistan submitted an Interpol red notice against him.

Tajik State TV Documentary Accuses Iran of Civil War Meddling
By Catherine Putz
Feeding on old rumors, the documentary is further indication of a deteriorating relationship.

Tajikistan Turns Up Heat on Families of Political Dissidents
By Catherine Putz
Dushanbe is always watching.

20 Years Later, Tajikistan Rewrites Civil War History
By Catherine Putz
"So much has gone awry that most... produce little more than puzzled expressions when asked who is to blame."

Record Number of Tajiks Knocked at the EU's Door in 2016
By Catherine Putz
In 2016, 830 Tajik citizens applied for asylum at the Polish border -- up from just 105 in 2014.

No Justice for Lawyers in Tajikistan
By Catherine Putz
New report, same old story: Dushanbe's crackdown on lawyers continues.

Exiled Tajik Opposition Leader Speaks
By Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska
“When the repression machine begins to work, it destroys everyone."

No Surprises in Tajikistan: Rights Lawyers Given Long Prison Sentences
By Catherine Putz
Dushanbe has ensured that future targets of the state may not have anyone to defend them.

OSCE Manages to Irritate Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Human Rights Advocates, Too
By Catherine Putz
The organization's annual human rights conference has become the focus point for frustration.