
Islamic Defenders Front (FPI)

Indonesia Jails Activist Lawyer Over Islamic Radicalism

Indonesia Jails Activist Lawyer Over Islamic Radicalism

By Associated Press
Munarman, a former human rights lawyer, was the general secretary of the now-banned Islamic Defenders Front.

Indonesia Imprisons Cleric for 8 Months Over COVID-19 Breaches

Indonesia Imprisons Cleric for 8 Months Over COVID-19 Breaches

By Sebastian Strangio
Over the past six months, the Indonesian government has intensified its crackdown on hardline Islamic groups.
Indonesia Arrests Firebrand Cleric’s Lawyer Over Attacks

Indonesia Arrests Firebrand Cleric’s Lawyer Over Attacks

By Niniek Karmini
Police arrested Islam Defenders Front leader Rizieq Shihab's lawyer, Munarman, in a raid this week.

Indonesia Bans Mandatory Religious Attire in Schools

Indonesia Bans Mandatory Religious Attire in Schools

By Sebastian Strangio
The move followed a social media outcry about high school students in West Sumatra being forced to wear the Muslim hijab.

Abu Bakar Bashir and the Renewed Jihadi Threat in Indonesia

Abu Bakar Bashir and the Renewed Jihadi Threat in Indonesia

By Bilveer Singh
Could the cleric's release from prison reinvigorate Indonesia's fragmented jihadi movement?

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

What the FPI Ban Does and Doesn’t Tell Us About Political Islam in Indonesia

What the FPI Ban Does and Doesn’t Tell Us About Political Islam in Indonesia

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A focus on episodic developments detracts from the wider trends at play in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country.

Indonesian Minister Pledges to Safeguard Religious Minorities

Indonesian Minister Pledges to Safeguard Religious Minorities

By Sebastian Strangio
The promise follows the banning of the Islamic Defenders Front, which advances a strict, austere definition of Islam.
Indonesian Police Kill 6 Supporters of Firebrand Cleric

Indonesian Police Kill 6 Supporters of Firebrand Cleric

By Associated Press
Rizieq Shihab was welcomed by tens of thousands of followers when he returned to Indonesia from exile on November 10. 

What Does Rizieq Shihab’s Return Mean for Indonesian Politics?

What Does Rizieq Shihab’s Return Mean for Indonesian Politics?

By Bilveer Singh
The firebrand's return comes at a time of Islamist political ascendancy in Indonesia.

Islamic Firebrand’s Return Heralds Instability for Indonesia

Islamic Firebrand’s Return Heralds Instability for Indonesia

By Sebastian Strangio
Rizieq arrived in a COVID-wracked nation that will be increasingly receptive to his message of Islamic purification.

Zon, Zen, and the Art of Mass Mobilization in Indonesia

Zon, Zen, and the Art of Mass Mobilization in Indonesia

By Terry Russell
Islamists have gained strength thanks to political support from Prabowo Subianto's allies.
The Fall of Ahok and Indonesia's Future

The Fall of Ahok and Indonesia's Future

By Nithin Coca
Ahok's defeat says less about the rise of Islamism and more about the strength of entrenched political interests.

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