Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

What’s Left of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan?
By Agnieszka Pikulicka-Wilczewska
While the IMU itself might no longer be an important player in the complex landscape of international jihad, it may yet be too soon to portend its total demise.

Many Questions Remain After Uzbekistan Fines US Citizen Over Alleged IMU Links
By Catherine Putz
Unexpectedly, Uzbekistan levied only a small fine on a man the state says has links to the IMU.

The Trump Administration’s New Afghan Problem: The Islamic State
By Sudha Ratan
The Islamic State’s South Asia branch complicates regional efforts to move Afghanistan toward peace.

Pakistan’s Bad Reaction to the BRICS Declaration
By Kunwar Khuldune Shahid
Islamabad’s defensive reaction was more self-damaging than the BRICS’ original statement.

Will Pakistan Part Ways With Its Proxies?
By Daud Khattak
The recent BRICS declaration can be read as a gentle push from China for Pakistan to ditch the Taliban.

Uzbek Refugee Facing Terrorism Charges In the US
By Catherine Putz
Fazliddin Kurbanov, arrested in 2013, is about halfway through his trial in Idaho.
Tajikistan Closes Eastern Region to Tourists
By Catherine Putz
Recent fighting across the border in Afghanistan has made authorities nervous.

More Trouble on the Kyrgyz-Uzbek Border
By Catherine Putz
An Uzbek border guard killed a Kyrgyz man smuggling potatoes from a mostly ethnic Tajik exclave belonging to Uzbekistan.

Is ISIS Behind Threats in Uzbekistan?
By Catherine Putz
Probably not. Attribution is difficult and there is very little verifiable information.

6 Myths of Muslim Radicalization in Central Asia
By Catherine Putz
Are Western policies in the region based on a series of myths?
ISIS Looks for Foothold in Central Asia
By Shawn Snow
The terrorist organization seeks to take advantage of a security vacuum in the Fergana Valley.

Can the US and China Cooperate on Counterterrorism?
By Jeffrey Payne
There are strong arguments to suggest they should, if only the political hang-ups could be overcome.
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