
Japan infrastructure

Where Others Dither, Japan Delivers on Aid to Ukraine

Where Others Dither, Japan Delivers on Aid to Ukraine

By James Kaizuka
Japan’s support for Ukraine demonstrates strong leadership and provides a glimmer of hope amid a divided and increasingly paralyzed Western alliance. 

Japan Praises Infrastructure Coop With Panama as China Also Ramps up Investment

Japan Praises Infrastructure Coop With Panama as China Also Ramps up Investment

By Daniel Hurst
Japan's efforts to boost Latin American connectivity featured during President Juan Carlos Varela's visit to Tokyo.
Why Japan Is Wrong on Rights in Cambodia

Why Japan Is Wrong on Rights in Cambodia

By Erin Cook
Tokyo’s downplaying of rights issues is plain for all to see, and the effectiveness of the approach remains unclear.

Japan’s Belt and Road Puzzle, Decoded

Japan’s Belt and Road Puzzle, Decoded

By Titli Basu
Japan's support for the Belt and Road is contingent on shaping China into a responsible global player.

‘Aimai’: Japan's Ambiguous Approach to China's ‘Belt And Road’

‘Aimai’: Japan's Ambiguous Approach to China's ‘Belt And Road’

By Charlotte Gao
Once again, Japan expresses a vague, and double-edged, interest in the Belt and Road.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

In Japan, Trump and Abe Offer Alternative to China’s ‘Belt and Road’

In Japan, Trump and Abe Offer Alternative to China’s ‘Belt and Road’

By Shannon Tiezzi
The U.S. and Japan signed new agreements to promote “high quality” infrastructure in Asia and Africa.

US Mulls New Asia Infrastructure Facility to Rival Regional Players

US Mulls New Asia Infrastructure Facility to Rival Regional Players

By Prashanth Parameswaran
“One-stop shop” would better coordinate and market what the United States can offer.
Is This Japan’s New Challenge to China’s Infrastructure Bank?

Is This Japan’s New Challenge to China’s Infrastructure Bank?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
There is more nuance to Tokyo’s approach than some of the headlines suggest.

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