
Japan LGBT rights

Japan’s Top Court Strikes Down Required Sterilization Surgery to Officially Change Gender

Japan’s Top Court Strikes Down Required Sterilization Surgery to Officially Change Gender

By Mari Yamaguchi
The ruling does not address the constitutionality of requiring gender-transition surgery in general to obtain a state-sanctioned gender change.
Japan’s LGBTQ Community Battles Tradition and Ultraconservative Politics 

Japan’s LGBTQ Community Battles Tradition and Ultraconservative Politics 

By Thisanka Siripala
Securing legal protections for sexual minorities is agonizingly slow in a country playing catch-up.

Japan’s Lower House Passes Bill to Promote LGBTQ Awareness, But Not Guarantee Rights

Japan’s Lower House Passes Bill to Promote LGBTQ Awareness, But Not Guarantee Rights

By Mari Yamaguchi
Japan is the only member of the Group of Seven leading industrialized nations that does not have LGTBQ legal protections. 

How the Silent Majority in Japan Is Hindering Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage

How the Silent Majority in Japan Is Hindering Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage

By Jio Kamata
Polls consistently show a majority of Japanese favor same-sex marriage – but not enough to apply political pressure. Opponents, however, are vocal. 

Japan’s LDP Promises to Push Forward LBGTQ Bill

Japan’s LDP Promises to Push Forward LBGTQ Bill

By Jeremiah May
Japan, as this year's G-7 host, has been under pressure to bring its LGBTQ policy framework into line with the world's other liberal democracies.
The Politics of Sexual Minorities in Japan

The Politics of Sexual Minorities in Japan

By Vindu Mai Chotani and Olivier Ammour-Mayeur
Despite efforts at the local level, LGBTQ rights won’t move forward much unless the LDP can find the political will to make it happen. 

Japan’s Prime Minister Battles Fallout After Anti-LGBTQ Gaffe

Japan’s Prime Minister Battles Fallout After Anti-LGBTQ Gaffe

By Thisanka Siripala
The Japanese government’s handling of homophobic comments by a top aide is under intense scrutiny as it seeks to revive a formally shelved LGBTQ bill.
Same-Sex Marriage Ban Continues in Japan

Same-Sex Marriage Ban Continues in Japan

By Airin Ri
A ruling by the Osaka district court reflects the same outdated rhetoric as the conservative government.

Japan Edges One Step Closer to Marriage Equality

Japan Edges One Step Closer to Marriage Equality

By Thisanka Siripala
Japan’s LGBTQ+ community rejoices after a court ruling backs the right to same-sex marriage.  

Japan Prepares for Upper House Elections

Japan Prepares for Upper House Elections

By Mina Pollmann
In addition to issues like constitutional reform, social questions like disabled and LGBT rights are also in the spotlight.

A Silver Lining in Japan’s Supreme Court Transgender Ruling

A Silver Lining in Japan’s Supreme Court Transgender Ruling

By Kanae Doi and Kyle Knight
An outdated, abusive law is upheld, yet undeniable doubts were raised.
Japan’s Same Sex Couples Sue Government, Demanding Marriage Equality

Japan’s Same Sex Couples Sue Government, Demanding Marriage Equality

By Thisanka Siripala
Same sex couples leveraged Valentine’s Day to pursue marriage equality in Japan.

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