
Japan Liberal Democratic Party

Japan’s LGBTQ Community Battles Tradition and Ultraconservative Politics 

Japan’s LGBTQ Community Battles Tradition and Ultraconservative Politics 

By Thisanka Siripala
Securing legal protections for sexual minorities is agonizingly slow in a country playing catch-up.

How Abe Shinzo Broke Japanese Politics

How Abe Shinzo Broke Japanese Politics

By Jio Kamata
With snap elections and sniping at the opposition, Abe eliminated any possible challenge. Without a viable opposition, some pursue extreme measures to bring about change.
Japan’s Kishida: A Dove in Hawk’s Clothing?

Japan’s Kishida: A Dove in Hawk’s Clothing?

By John Nilsson-Wright
The new Japanese prime minister will find it a challenge to unite his divided party while also winning the confidence of an increasingly skeptical electorate.

Japan Prepares for Upper House Elections

Japan Prepares for Upper House Elections

By Mina Pollmann
In addition to issues like constitutional reform, social questions like disabled and LGBT rights are also in the spotlight.

Constitutional Revision: A (Tiny) Step Forward for Japan's Self-Defense Forces

Constitutional Revision: A (Tiny) Step Forward for Japan's Self-Defense Forces

By John Wright
Abe’s potential constitutional revision is likely to be underwhelming for the JSDF.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Japan: 5 Things to Watch in the Next LDP Presidential Election

Japan: 5 Things to Watch in the Next LDP Presidential Election

By Aki Nakai
Don't dismiss the upcoming LDP elections as a done deal. Here are five things to pay attention to as the election approaches.

Can Anyone Unseat Shinzo Abe?

Can Anyone Unseat Shinzo Abe?

By Mina Pollmann
Despite his scandals, Abe is well-positioned win the LDP's presidential election this fall.
Large and in Charge: Who is Taro Aso?

Large and in Charge: Who is Taro Aso?

By Emese Schwarcz
Controversy has surrounded Japanese Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso ever since he entered politics.

Where Is Japan in Its Military Push Under Abe?

Where Is Japan in Its Military Push Under Abe?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Tokyo continues to made inroads in building up its capabilities as it confronts regional security threats.

Why Trump Could Be the Final Nail in Abe’s Coffin

Why Trump Could Be the Final Nail in Abe’s Coffin

By Brad Glosserman
Despite the attention to domestic scandals, the fatal blow to the Japanese premier’s prospects may come from Tokyo’s closest foreign ally.

Yuriko Koike’s New Party: A Real Game-Changer for Japanese Politics?

Yuriko Koike’s New Party: A Real Game-Changer for Japanese Politics?

By Yuki Tatsumi
Does the Tokyo governor's new party galvanize Japan's opposition?
Does Another Election Loom in Japan?

Does Another Election Loom in Japan?

By Yuki Tatsumi
A snap election may be political expedient for Abe, but do Japanese taxpayers need to pay for another election now?

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