Japan-Russia peace agreement

Russia-Japan Summit: No Grand Bargain Within Reach
By Jeremy Maxie
A mutually beneficial 'balance of power' based on territorial and security arrangements remains beyond reach.

No Peace Deal for Russia and Japan, But Slow Progress
By Bob Savic
Siberian energy deals are set to warm Japan-Russia ties while the peace treaty is put on ice.

Don’t Expect Surprises From Vladimir Putin’s Visit to Japan
By Dmitry Filippov
Japan is hoping for a breakthrough on a long-standing territorial dispute. That's not likely to happen.

What Japan-Russia Rapprochement Means for the World
By Yo-Jung Chen
By warming up to Moscow, is Shinzo Abe playing right into Putin's hands?

Mr. Abe Goes to Vladivostok
By James D.J Brown and Andrei I. Kozinets
Abe's embrace of Russia marks a radical shift from previous Japanese policy.

Shinzo Abe Going All In on Improving Japan-Russia Ties
By Dmitry Filippov
Abe is committing a lot of diplomatic (and literal) capital to Japan-Russia relations. What will he get in return?

Japan and Shinzo Abe's Gamble With Russia
By Yuki Tatsumi
Japan's outreach to Russia is risky, as it could end up alienating the United States.

Japan's 'New Approach' to Russia
By James D.J. Brown
Abe hopes economic interactions will help compel Russia to compromise on a territorial dispute.

Is the Japan-Russia Honeymoon Over Before It Even Began?
By Dmitry Filippov
Japan and Russia's attempt at rapprochement once again runs straight into harsh geopolitical realities.

Prospects for Russia-Japan Rapprochement
By Dmitry Filippov
How successful was Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's recent visit to Russia?

Russia and Japan Unlikely to Make ‘Serious Progress’ in Kuril Islands Dispute
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Kremlin cautions that this Friday’s Abe-Putin meeting will not resolve a long-standing territorial dispute.

Russia to Deploy Missile Systems on Kuril Islands
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Moscow is allegedly also exploring whether the islands could serve as a naval base for its Pacific fleet.