Japan-Russia relations

Will Japan and Russia Finally Settle Their Territorial Dispute?
By Dmitri V. Streltsov
A deal, based on the 1956 Declaration, is closer than it has been in decades.

Putin Surprises Abe With Offer of Japan-Russia Peace Treaty
By Daniel Hurst
Accepting Putin's offer would go against long-standing Japanese position on the territorial dispute.

Abe's Russia Trip Comes to an Underwhelming End
By Daniel Hurst
Japan's prime minister may finally have to give up hope of making progress on a long-standing territorial dispute.

Japan's Foreign Policy Balancing Act
By Daniel Hurst
This year's Diplomacy Bluebook shows Japan scrambling to square long-held positions with rapid changes in the region.

A New Cold War With Russia Forces Japan to Choose Sides
By James D. J. Brown
How long can Japan keep up its balancing act between Russia and the West?

Will 2018 Really Be a Breakthrough Year in Japan-Russia ties?
By Daniel Hurst
Despite Shinzo Abe's optimism, analysts predict more of the same in Japan-Russia relations this year.

The Third Annual Eastern Economic Forum and the Japan-Russia Summit
By John Taishu Pitt
Why Japan and Russia won't reach an agreement on the Northern Territories dispute.

Abe, Putin Meet at G-20 as Disputed Northern Territories Recede Into Distance
By James D.J. Brown
Despite Japan's "new approach" to relations, Russia's position on the disputed islands has hardened.

Shinzo Abe: Ideologue or Pragmatist?
By Dmitry Filippov
Japan's prime minister isn't nationalistic so much as realistic.

Abe’s Diplomacy at a Crossroads: The Hidden Side of the Japanese-Russian Summit
By Akihiro Iwashita
The Japanese PM’s approach to Russia is looking increasingly risky.

Russo-Japanese Relations On Track for Confidence Building
By Taisuke Abiru
Don’t expect major breakthroughs anytime soon, but recent summits have moved the relationship forward.

What's New in Japan-Russia Relations?
By Mina Pollmann
A recent summit had little to offer on a thorny territorial dispute, but added North Korea to the agenda.