
Japan trade policy

The 2-Level Game in Japan’s Agriculture Trade Negotiations

The 2-Level Game in Japan’s Agriculture Trade Negotiations

By Zhuoran Li
The Japanese agriculture sector has a long history of obstructing international trade talks. 
Japan’s Moment to Act on Forced Labor in Supply Chains

Japan’s Moment to Act on Forced Labor in Supply Chains

By Airin Ri and Anasuya Syam
Despite past commitments, Japan is the only G-7 member that has not imposed sanctions on Beijing for its state policy of forced labor.

Has Japan Become the Kingmaker for Trade Deals in the Indo-Pacific?

Has Japan Become the Kingmaker for Trade Deals in the Indo-Pacific?

By Jeffrey Wilson
The future of RCEP depends on how the Japanese government will approach India’s withdrawal.

After a Busy G20 for Abe, Japan Prepares to Host in 2019

After a Busy G20 for Abe, Japan Prepares to Host in 2019

By Daniel Hurst
Japan's prime minister had a full slate of meetings at the summit, but also found time to outline Japan's focus as next year's host.

Japan's Subtle China Strategy on Display

Japan's Subtle China Strategy on Display

By Daniel Hurst
At the latest round of ASEAN summitry, Abe emphasized rapprochement with China even while raising criticisms.
At UN, Japan's Abe Defends the Rules-Based Order

At UN, Japan's Abe Defends the Rules-Based Order

By Daniel Hurst
Abe promises to defend free trade while resolving long-standing issues with Japan's neighbors.

Japan, EU Display Solidarity in the Face of US Friction

Japan, EU Display Solidarity in the Face of US Friction

By Daniel Hurst
Their new FTA is “of enormous strategic importance for the rules-based international order,” says the European Council president.
Amid US Trade Tensions, Japan Formally Completes TPP-11 Entry

Amid US Trade Tensions, Japan Formally Completes TPP-11 Entry

By Daniel Hurst
Japan's Foreign Ministry framed the move as “a powerful message from Japan to the world.”

Japan’s Values-Free and Token Indo-Pacific Strategy

Japan’s Values-Free and Token Indo-Pacific Strategy

By James D.J. Brown
Japan must demonstrate that its commitment to international law and democratic values is more than just a fig leaf.

Japan's Rush to Conclude TPP-11

Japan's Rush to Conclude TPP-11

By Aurelia George Mulgan
Shinzo Abe's government can't afford to see the Trans-Pacific Partnership fail.

With EU Deal, Japan Sends Powerful Message on Free Trade

With EU Deal, Japan Sends Powerful Message on Free Trade

By Anthony Fensom
The Japan-EU deal is a political win for Abe and a repudiation of Trump-style protectionism.
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