
The Resilience of Japanese Whaling
By Gabriel Fung and Andy Ka Hei Vu
Whale meat is branded as a national cuisine, but very few Japanese eat it.

Japan Confirms New Missile Deployments to Ryukyu Islands
By Steven Stashwick
Anti-air and anti-ship missiles will be sent to Ishigaki-jima in 2022.

Japan’s Challenge in the Age of China-US Rivalry
By Michio Ueda
Tokyo must find a way to synthesize national security and economic strategy amid increased competition between Beijing and Washington.

Japan’s Youth Lack Interest in Studying Abroad. That’s a Problem for Japanese Businesses.
By Xiaochen Su
Japanese firms are hampered in their global ambitions by the Japanese youth’s lack of a global mentality.

The Iron Ceiling and Japan’s Chrysanthemum Throne
By Will Fee
For a "democracy without women," what does the imperial succession debate mean for gender parity in Japan?

Japan’s Ambivalent Diplomacy in Myanmar
By Daisuke Akimoto
Given its political and economic influence over the Myanmar military, the Japanese government can do more to help the international community pursue non-military R2P options.

Japan Set to Accelerate COVID-19 Vaccine Program For Elderly
By Thisanka Siripala
Japan will step up efforts to complete the vaccination of its elderly population by the end of July.

Japan, US, France hold 1st Joint Drills on Japanese Land
By Mari Yamaguchi
Japan is seeking to expand its military ties beyond its alliance with the United States to include "like-minded" countries such as France.

Why Matsuyama at the Masters Matters
By Layne Vandenberg
The impact of Hideki Matsuyama’s victory at the 2021 Masters Golf Tournament could be diminished by barriers to entry and ongoing stereotypes about Asian athletes.

Japan Regulator Bans Nuke Plant Restart Over Lax Safeguards
By Mari Yamaguchi
Of the 54 nuclear reactors Japan used to have, nine have been restarted under tougher post-Fukushima safety standards and four are currently operating.

What Does Finance Have to Do With War?
By Robert Farley
Examining how Japan financed its 20th century wars provides context for understanding the relationship between finance and international conflict.

How to Operationalize the Quad
By Jeffrey T. Vanak, Jack Souders, and Kenneth del Mazo
Through deepening maritime partnerships, the Quad nations can amplify their mutual naval power in the Indo-Pacific.