
Japanese Abductees

Japan Takes Small Step Toward Diplomacy With North Korea

Japan Takes Small Step Toward Diplomacy With North Korea

By Daniel Hurst
By stepping back from an annual UN resolution on North Korean human rights, Tokyo is sending a signal to Pyongyang.

The Trump-Kim Summit: The View From Japan

The Trump-Kim Summit: The View From Japan

By Daniel Hurst
Japan remains cautious about North Korea's intentions.
Abe to Visit US in April, Following Trump's Willingness for a North Korea Summit

Abe to Visit US in April, Following Trump's Willingness for a North Korea Summit

By Ankit Panda
Japan will be wary about the prospect of a Trump-Kim summit.

How Do You Deal With North Korea?

How Do You Deal With North Korea?

By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat's editors discuss North Korea's recent satellite launch and the ensuing diplomatic fallout.

Pyongyang Receives Key Japan Officials Before Report Release

Pyongyang Receives Key Japan Officials Before Report Release

By Clint Richards
Sanctions and improved diplomatic ties are being highlighted as the abductee report draws near.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

ASEAN Forum Decries North Korea’s Weapons, While Tokyo and Pyongyang Speak

ASEAN Forum Decries North Korea’s Weapons, While Tokyo and Pyongyang Speak

By Clint Richards
Japan took advantage of a rare opportunity to speak with Pyongyang’s foreign minister.

Missiles in Lieu of Meetings

Missiles in Lieu of Meetings

By Clint Richards
North Korea has taken to launching missiles in defiance of its recent isolation.
Japan and North Korea: Balancing Trilateral Deterrence and Bilateral Progress

Japan and North Korea: Balancing Trilateral Deterrence and Bilateral Progress

By Ankit Panda
Is Japan leaving Seoul and Washington in the cold as it pursues diplomacy with North Korea?

Abe Off to Pyongyang?

Abe Off to Pyongyang?

By Clint Richards
News of a potential trip suggests that more than aid for abductees may have been negotiated in Stockholm.

Japan Eyes North Korea Sanctions

Japan Eyes North Korea Sanctions

Despite the deal between the U.S. and North Korea, Japan wants to extend sanctions on the Jong-un regime.

Kan Tactless on North Korea

Kan Tactless on North Korea

Naoto Kan’s suggestion of an SDF deployment to South Korea in the event of war was badly timed.

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