
Japanese election

Abe’s Ongoing Defense Policy Changes

Abe’s Ongoing Defense Policy Changes

By Emily S. Chen
The Japanese government continues to push ahead with changes to Japan’s defense policy.
The Japanese Election and the Farm Vote

The Japanese Election and the Farm Vote

By Aurelia George Mulgan
The Trans-Pacific Partnership made the recent election a troubling one for Japanese farmers.

LDP Hegemony and the Future of Japanese Foreign Policy

LDP Hegemony and the Future of Japanese Foreign Policy

By Peter Harris
With Shinzo Abe returned to power, is Japan back to an era of foreign policy stability?

Japan’s Back and So Is Nationalism

By Nadeem Shad
Voters head to the polls today, after two years that have seen a revival – of sorts – of nationalism in Japan.

US-Japan Defense Guidelines Likely to Be Delayed

US-Japan Defense Guidelines Likely to Be Delayed

By Ricky Hough
For now, Japan’s domestic political turmoil and economic woes are trumping its regional security challenges.
Another Election in Tokyo

Another Election in Tokyo

By Sheila A. Smith
The ruling coalition already has a huge majority in the Japanese parliament. So why go to the polls early?

Shinzo Abe’s Next Steps

By Clint Richards
An election, tax delay, and stimulus package show the premier is intent on securing his legacy.
Will History Repeat in Japan?

Will History Repeat in Japan?

By Anthony Fensom
Poor economic data prompt election talk and put the next consumption tax hike in doubt.

How an Election Gives Abe the Upper-Hand on Collective Self-Defense

How an Election Gives Abe the Upper-Hand on Collective Self-Defense

By Clint Richards
A December election would be an Abenomics referendum, and an open door to a stronger military.

Could Abe Call a Snap Election?

Could Abe Call a Snap Election?

By Clint Richards
An attempt to justify a change in course over the tax hike could backfire for the prime minister.

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