Japanese society

Japan’s Outsider Caste
By Cristian Martini Grimaldi
The burakumin still feel the impact of centuries-old discrimination, though many Japanese deny these prejudices still exist.

Queer Eye’s Adaptation to Japanese Audiences
By Layne Vandenberg and Emi Suzuki
Netflix’s Queer Eye: We’re in Japan! incorporates popular tropes of Japanese television to appeal to local viewers and address modern day issues.

Homeless Men Denied Shelter During Japan’s Typhoon Hagibis
By Thisanka Siripala
As Japan recovers from the worst storm in decades, reports of a Tokyo shelter rejecting homeless evacuees has sparked international outrage.

How Public Discourse Keeps the ‘Domestic’ and the ‘Foreign’ Separate in Japan
By Xiaochen Su
Caricatured images pervade Japanese portrayals and understanding of foreigners.

The 2020 Summer Games Can’t Save Japan
By Fumika Mizuno
The 2020 Games will wow and stun, but they will be no repeat of 1964.

Forbidden Ink: Japan’s Contentious Tattoo Heritage
By Jonathan DeHart
Despite an illustrious past and revered status overseas, Japanese tattoos have long struggled for acceptance at home.

Japan’s Emperor Hints at Abdication in Televised Address
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The ten-minute pre-recorded message was the second-ever televised address of the Emperor to the public.

Japan's Emperor Wants to Abdicate, But That May Require Legal Reforms
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Emperor Akihito might want to abdicate, but other factors might prevent his wishes from coming to fruition.

Ruling Coalition Sweeps Japan Upper House Elections, Putting Constitutional Reform in Reach
By Ankit Panda
The latest election affirms Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's political dominance in Japan.

Abenomics, the Upper House Elections, and Japan's Political Future
By Ankit Panda
Mina Pollmann joins Ankit Panda to discuss trends in Japanese politics before the July 2016 House of Councilors elections.
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