Japanese Whaling

The Resilience of Japanese Whaling
By Gabriel Fung and Andy Ka Hei Vu
Whale meat is branded as a national cuisine, but very few Japanese eat it.

Japan Loses Bid to Reinstate Commercial Whaling
By Thisanka Siripala
After a week of heated debate, Japan’s proposal to legalize whaling has been rejected by the International Whaling Commission.

Japan’s Double Standard on Freedoms and Rule of Law
By Aurelia George Mulgan
PM Shinzo Abe is maintaining a double standard on democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

Whales Again a Diplomatic Issue for Australia-Japan Relations?
By Helen Clark
Australia is once again at odds with Japan over whaling in the Southern Ocean

Japanese Whaling: The Saga Continues
By Anthony Fensom
Is it déjà vu all over again for Japanese whaling watchers?

Abe’s Oceania Deals Point to China Tensions
By Clint Richards
The scope, pace and intent of recent agreements suggest an intent to circumvent Beijing.

Australia's Whaling Victory
By Dominic Meoli
Australia has gained much more from its recent victory in the ICJ than the protection of whales.

ICJ Orders an End to Whaling in Southern Ocean
By Luke Hunt
Japan promises to comply with a ruling that found its annual whale hunt to be illegal.

Bottlenoses, Blonde Wigs and Baseball
By J. T. Quigley and Angela Erika Kubo
Our Tokyo editors discuss the recent dolphin hunt and other Japan news.

Japanese Whaling: Sea Shepherd Chases, Australia and New Zealand Litigate
By J.T. Quigley
Is nationalism, not science or sustenance, behind Japan’s annual culling?
Antarctic Treaty Seemingly Not for Whales’ Sake
“what is the point of having a treaty if countries do not defend it and the values they believe in?”
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