
Julie Bishop

How the New UN Special Envoy to Myanmar Should Approach Her Impossible Mission

How the New UN Special Envoy to Myanmar Should Approach Her Impossible Mission

By Scot Marciel
Former Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop faces an unenviable task in attempting to bring peace to the country.

The New Colombo Plan and Australia’s Asian Future

The New Colombo Plan and Australia’s Asian Future

By Grant Wyeth
The program’s true success will come when wider Australia society begins to feel a greater affinity with Asia.
Liberal Bloodbath Repels Australian Voters

Liberal Bloodbath Repels Australian Voters

By Anthony Fensom
The ruling party is already paying the price for its party room coup this summer.

The Bishop-Ri Meeting: Another Missed Opportunity for Australia

The Bishop-Ri Meeting: Another Missed Opportunity for Australia

By Tom Corben
'Nuclear tunnel vision’ strikes again as Australia misses another opportunity to refresh its North Korea policy.

Australia Orders Expulsion of 2 Russian Diplomats Over UK Nerve Agent Assassination Attempt

Australia Orders Expulsion of 2 Russian Diplomats Over UK Nerve Agent Assassination Attempt

By Ankit Panda
Australia joins 18 other countries in retaliating against Russia.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

US, Australia, Japan Jointly Challenge China on South China Sea Issue

US, Australia, Japan Jointly Challenge China on South China Sea Issue

By Charlotte Gao
The three countries jointly called for China and the Philippines to abide by last year's arbitral ruling.

Calling All Ambassadors: Australia Ponders a New Foreign Policy Path

Calling All Ambassadors: Australia Ponders a New Foreign Policy Path

By Grant Wyeth
Australia has called all of its current diplomatic heads of mission home to help craft a new foreign policy white paper.
Kevin Rudd Loses UN Bid Early

Kevin Rudd Loses UN Bid Early

By Helen Clark
Australia’s PM Malcolm Turnbull has refused to endorse him.

Australia's Foreign Minister Gets Chilly Welcome in China

Australia's Foreign Minister Gets Chilly Welcome in China

By Shannon Tiezzi
Julie Bishop is challenged on defense ties with Japan and the South China Sea during her visit to Beijing.

Kevin Rudd and the UN Secretary General Role

Kevin Rudd and the UN Secretary General Role

By Helen Clark
Could the former Australian prime minister take the top job at the United Nations?

Australia’s Unique Position in a Negotiated Political Resolution in Syria

Australia’s Unique Position in a Negotiated Political Resolution in Syria

By Edward Cavanough
Australia should have a role in a grand negotiated settlement.
Australia’s Human Rights Doublethink

Australia’s Human Rights Doublethink

By UNSW Human Rights Clinic
You can’t preach what you don’t practice. Unless you’re Australia and we’re talking human rights.

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