
Afghan Air Force Gets 5 New Attack Helicopters
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Five new MD-530 Cayuse Warrior helicopters arrived in Kabul last week.

Afghanistan: 14 Nepali Security Guards Killed in Suicide Bomber Attack in Kabul
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Bomb attacks in Kabul and other parts of the country killed at least 23 on Monday.

Afghanistan: Why Ashraf Ghani's New Strategy Won't Work
By Umair Jamal
Ashraf Ghani's new approach won't help him win Afghanistan's long struggle against the Taliban.

Massive Blast in Kabul Kills 30, Injures Hundreds
By Catherine Putz
The difference between public accounts and the fiction the Taliban claims is astounding.

Can the Afghan War Be Won in 2016?
By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat's Franz-Stefan Gady speaks with Ankit Panda about the Afghan National Army's war effort.

Afghanistan to Receive 12 New Attack Helicopters
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Kabul has ordered 12 more MD530F Cayuse Warrior light attack helicopters for the 2016 fighting season.

Afghanistan in 2016: Ashraf Ghani's Case for Cautious Optimism
By James L. Creighton and Martin Fleischer
There is an astounding optimism within the Afghan leadership. Is it justified?

Afghanistan, Pakistan Lay Groundwork for Taliban Peace Talks in Early 2016
By Ankit Panda
Pakistan's top general visited Afghanistan this weekend to discuss another round of peace talks with the Taliban.

Kabul: A Different View
By Tyrell Mayfield
At the core of Kabul’s identity is a rich cultural landscape centered around places of deep historical significance.

Here's the Most Disturbing Thing About the Taliban Takeover of Kunduz
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
The Taliban is gaining currency outside of its traditional Pashtun base. This is troubling.

Afghanistan Can't Afford to Lose Kunduz to the Taliban
By Ankit Panda
What does the fall of Kunduz tell us about the state of the Taliban and the Afghan government?

Afghanistan’s Newest Attack Helicopter a ‘Total Mess’?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Afghanistan’s most decorated pilot is critical of U.S. efforts to help build the Afghan Air Force.