Kazakhstan economy
Ranking the Central Asian States as Investment Destinations
By Stanislav Pritchin
25 years after independence, which Central Asian and South Caucasian countries are the best (and worst) places to invest?
Can Kazakhstan Look to Uzbekistan for Economic Dynamism?
By Catherine Putz
Central Asia’s borders and Stalin; radio in the region and more; recommended links.
Trump and Nazarbayev’s ‘Miracle’ Chat
By Casey Michel
The next US president seems to have a predilection for praising autocrats.
Is a Banking Supergiant in the Making in Kazakhstan?
By Paolo Sorbello
The country's two largest banks -- Halyk Bank and Qazkom -- could merge next year
Kazakhstan at 25
By Aigerim Toleukhanova, Nygmet Ibadildin
The last Soviet republic to declare independence has come a long way since 1991, but challenges remain.
External Shocks Continue to Put Pressure on Central Asian Economies
By Paolo Sorbello
The IMF forecasts the slowest economic recovery in almost two decades.
Kashagan Restart Gives Kazakhstan Hope
By Paolo Sorbello
The oil project met its deadline, but will it be sustainable?
Putin and Nazarbayev Trade Compliments at Business Forum
By Catherine Putz
Bilateral trade between the strategic partners, however, remains depressed.
Brexit's Impact on Kazakhstan
By Samuel Ramani
Kazakhstan has especially close ties with Britain. What happens when the U.K. leaves the EU?
Kazakhstan Committed to Opening Economy and Modernizing Society
By Karim Massimov
“The interests of our overseas partners are taken fully into account when new policy is being shaped.”
Protests in Kazakhstan Over Land Code Changes
By Catherine Putz
Locals are concerned that this summer's changes to the land code will pave the way for land sales to foreigners.
IMF Projects Another Bad Year for Central Asian Economies
By Catherine Putz
The causes are familiar: Russian recession and low oil prices.