

Banning the Bomb in Asia and the Pacific

Banning the Bomb in Asia and the Pacific

By Jon Letman
Countries in Asia and the Pacific bore the brunt of nuclear trauma. Now they are leading the charge to prohibit nuclear weapons.

Exit Kiribati? The Pacific Islands Forum Faces Further Strife

Exit Kiribati? The Pacific Islands Forum Faces Further Strife

By Larissa Stünkel and Marc Lanteigne
Despite a deal between the PIF and other Micronesian states, Kiribati declared it still intends to withdraw from the premier regional forum.
China’s Foreign Minister Visits Kiribati, Where Fishing Ground Is at Stake

China’s Foreign Minister Visits Kiribati, Where Fishing Ground Is at Stake

By Nick Perry
Kiribati made a rare exception to its pandemic border closure for Wang Yi and a Chinese delegation to visit.

Lockdowns in Pacific States Facing First Serious COVID Waves

Lockdowns in Pacific States Facing First Serious COVID Waves

By Joshua Mcdonald
The Pacific nations of Kiribati, Samoa, and the Solomon Islands are facing their first significant outbreaks of COVID-19.

Strong Showing for the Pacific at Biden’s Summit for Democracy

Strong Showing for the Pacific at Biden’s Summit for Democracy

By Grant Wyeth
The Pacific Islands have not been overlooked by the White House, although the region’s democracies face challenges, too.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Pacific Island Nations Consider Deep-sea Mining, Despite Risks

Pacific Island Nations Consider Deep-sea Mining, Despite Risks

By Joshua Mcdonald
Pacific Island nations are contemplating allowing deep-sea mining to bolster their economies, despite unknown environmental impacts.

Kiribati Announces Plans to Raise Islands Above Rising Seas

Kiribati Announces Plans to Raise Islands Above Rising Seas

By Joshua Mcdonald
As climate change and sea level rise threaten to inundate Kiribati, its government has proposed a radical new plan to raise the islands.
Kiribati President Makes First Trip to China After Switch From Taiwan

Kiribati President Makes First Trip to China After Switch From Taiwan

By Shannon Tiezzi
Kiribati, the latest of Taiwan's former allies to switch to China, holds special significance for Beijing.

Taiwan Loses 2 Diplomatic Allies, Wins US Support Ahead of Crucial Presidential Election

Taiwan Loses 2 Diplomatic Allies, Wins US Support Ahead of Crucial Presidential Election

By Nick Aspinwall
The diplomatic defections of Kiribati and the Solomon Islands were followed by a strong statement of U.S. support for Taiwan.

US Blustering at Taiwan’s Departing Allies Won’t Work

US Blustering at Taiwan’s Departing Allies Won’t Work

By Jonathan Stutte
If the United States wants to defend Taiwan, it might consider avenues that refrain from signaling disregard for a delicate security architecture in the Pacific.

UN Recommends Graduating 2 Pacific Island States From the LDC Category

UN Recommends Graduating 2 Pacific Island States From the LDC Category

By Grant Wyeth
The UN recommended recently that Solomon Islands and Kiribati be removed from the least developed country (LDC) list.
Grappling with the Bomb: 60 Years After Britain’s Pacific Hydrogen Bomb Tests

Grappling with the Bomb: 60 Years After Britain’s Pacific Hydrogen Bomb Tests

By Catherine Putz
An interview with Nic Maclellan

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