
Kishida approval ratings

Kishida Has Returned From the Political Precipice Before. Can He Do It Again?

Kishida Has Returned From the Political Precipice Before. Can He Do It Again?

By Shamshad A. Khan
Despite consistently low approval ratings, Kishida seems insistent on retaining the LDP presidency. How will he fare in the upcoming leadership race?

Japan’s PM Kishida Says He Won’t Step Down After LDP’s Defeat in By-elections

Japan’s PM Kishida Says He Won’t Step Down After LDP’s Defeat in By-elections

By Mari Yamaguchi
Sunday’s defeat marks a further setback for Kishida, who will seek reelection as his party’s leader in the fall.
Kishida Replaces 4 Cabinet Members as Japan’s Political Fundraising Scandal Deepens 

Kishida Replaces 4 Cabinet Members as Japan’s Political Fundraising Scandal Deepens 

By Thisanka Siripala
The government is in damage control mode as it scrambles to contain public distrust over underreported fundraising revenue.

Is Prime Minister Kishida Leading Japan by Default?

Is Prime Minister Kishida Leading Japan by Default?

By Aurelia George Mulgan
With plummeting approval ratings, Kishida's biggest strength seems to be that there's no obvious candidate to replace him.

Japan’s Prime Minister Battles Fallout After Anti-LGBTQ Gaffe

Japan’s Prime Minister Battles Fallout After Anti-LGBTQ Gaffe

By Thisanka Siripala
The Japanese government’s handling of homophobic comments by a top aide is under intense scrutiny as it seeks to revive a formally shelved LGBTQ bill.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Japan’s Kishida Fails to Learn Abe’s Political Lessons

Japan’s Kishida Fails to Learn Abe’s Political Lessons

By Carlos Ramirez
Abe Shinzo learned the hard way: Voters don’t care about foreign policy achievements if the economy is struggling.

Will Suga Yoshihide Make a Comeback?

Will Suga Yoshihide Make a Comeback?

By Jio Kamata
As Prime Minister Kishida fights flagging approval ratings, his predecessor is testing the political waters.
Japan’s Ruling Government in Crisis Over Unification Church Scandals

Japan’s Ruling Government in Crisis Over Unification Church Scandals

By Thisanka Siripala
Japan’s governing party is struggling to quell public suspicion over party members’ ties with the controversial Unification Church.

Japan and the Controversial Unification Church

Japan and the Controversial Unification Church

By Thisanka Siripala
In a post-Abe era, Japanese politics has been rocked by the Unification Church’s links to LDP lawmakers.

Preparation for Abe’s State Funeral Proceeds Amid Growing Public Opposition

Preparation for Abe’s State Funeral Proceeds Amid Growing Public Opposition

By Jio Kamata
As former PM Abe Shinzo’s state funeral – Japan’s first in 55 years – inches closer, more and more Japanese are turning against the idea.

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