
North Korean and Chinese Nuclear Weapons Development: Two Peas in a Pod?
By 38 North / Charles Lee
A look back at China's nuclear and missile development provides clues for North Korea's future.

North Korea's SLBMs: China's Role and South Korea's Dilemma
By Kim Tae-woo
What enables poverty-stricken North Korea to pursue SLBM technology? In a word: China.

South Korea Mulls Purchase of 4 Advanced US Sub Killer Planes
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Following Pyongyang’s latest missile test, Seoul is considering boosting its anti-submarine warfare capabilities.

Is North Korea Building a New Ballistic Missile Submarine?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Kim Jong-un’s new diesel-electric ballistic missile submarine has purportedly been under construction since 2009.

How We Know North Korea's Latest SLBM Test Was a Likely Dud
By Ankit Panda
Analysis of North Korean video footage suggests a less-impressive submarine-launched ballistic missile test than Kim Jong-un would like.

How Far Along Are North Korea's Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles?
By Ankit Panda
North Korea's latest submarine-launched ballistic missile video appears unconvincing.
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