
Parasite: Moving Beyond ‘Foreign’
By Layne Vandenberg
Parasite is praised as a “foreign” film; but does it have to be?

Can South Korea Enact Electoral Reform In Time?
By Kyle Pope and Adam Pepin-Hall
The 2020 clock is ticking on crucial Korean electoral reforms.

BTS and the Global Spread of Korean Soft Power
By Wantanee Suntikul
People-to-people cultural diplomacy fuels the band’s burgeoning global fame and influence.

The Rise of South Korea’s Soft Power in the Middle East
By Donya Saberi
As the case of the UAE shows, Seoul has enticed greater relations via pop culture and reinforced its interests with economic power.

5 Hidden Costs of the RCEP to People and Planet
By Sam Cossar-Gilbert
Trade negotiators are meeting next week in South Korea to discuss the RCEP, which could impact billions of lives.

What to Make of the New US Defense Secretary's 'Apology Tour'
By Alex Ward
In Asia next week, it's up to Mattis to salvage key relationships bruised by President Trump's campaign rhetoric.

US Election 2016: The View from Asia
By Shen Dingli, Satoru Mori, Jaechun Kim, Dhruva Jaishankar, Prashanth Parameswaran, Euan Graham and Patrick Ingle
Either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will be the next U.S. president. What does Asia think about the election?

'Comfort Women' Musical Builds Asian Community
By Remi Yamazaki
Dimo HyunJun Kim, director of Comfort Women - A New Musical, on adapting social issues for entertainment.
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